A golfing machine.........

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What about this machine? :p


considering the fact that 4 of the pictured players will be forced into "medical hardship" scholarships to make room for hot shot recruits, then, yes, it's a helluva machine - almost like cut down day in the nfl.....it's called oversigning toward forced attrition - and the midget has it perfected - until it is legislated against - and then he'll just find some other loopholes....

but in the end, he has yet to meet jeremy hill - that happens on november 3
The emphasis was added by me The abstract to this paper seems to suggest the opposite of what Todd is declaring. Here's the link: Sports Engineering, Volume 10, Number 1 - SpringerLink

Emphasis added. The abstract for this paper questions the very model Todd's assertion is built on. The link can be found here: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

This whole abstract seems to discredit Todd's statements. Here's the link: Sports Engineering, Volume 9, Number 4 - SpringerLink

Thanks Lia, you're research, intelligence and open-mind only add to the forum. I would rather be irrelevant, obscure and CORRECT; than be INCORRECT and well known. Galileo probably felt the same way... he was met with opposition from the church AND astronomers, who doubted heliocentrism due to the absence of an observed stellar parallax. The parallax was there of course, but the tools capable of measuring it were not around yet. As we get more machines measuring more than ever before our theories will be forced to keep up with the pace. If they can't keep up, like Lindsay said, another one bites the dust.
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