Another Hogan Question..

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I noticed in the long hogan thread that we have going on that Bryan said Hogan had drawn a straight plane line. My question is, when he said that, does he mean he shifted to the elbow plane and stayed there? I don't know much about TGM, but I guess that point interested me because I felt like my swing was more Snead like, where I guess I start on the Turned shoulder plane.

My other question is, if I stay on the turned shoulder plane all the way into impact, what is the positives/negatives instead of the elbow plane. I understand it all depends but an answer would be great. Thanks.

Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
i think you may be thrown off by the term "drawing a straight plane line"...

brian is talking about tracing a straight plane line at the bottom of the swing ...this talk is somewhat independent from any talk about plane shifts in the backswing or downswing...


Well, could you then explain the straight plane line? I looked on search for something, but nothing was there. An answer to my other questions would be great, about the Turned shoulder plane and elbow plane. Thanks!


I understand them, I just want to know what is better and what are the positives and negatives? Which one would you rather your students go with? If this helps, I'm 6'2 and pretty stocky.
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