Bent left arm at impact

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People have pointed to the bent left arm at impact of Goosen and Westwood, as if they are somehow in on some release secret, even though they are only 2 of thousands of pros who do that. Well, here's another.......George Knudson. BUT, they ALL keep the right arm straightening PAST impact. I had a lesson yesterday where all we worked on was keeping the right arm pushing/extending past impact. When we looked at video, the student kept commenting on his bent LEFT arm, classic chicken wing-style, after impact. I said I don't care about your left arm. Just keep the right punching past impact, as 100% of exempt TOUR players do. Needless to say, as he improved in this area, and the lowpoint of his clubhead arc approached an optimal 3-4 inches in front of the ball, rather than his customary 0-1, his striking improved greatly.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I can understand a "total hit" move of going from forward lean through lining the club up with the left arm to the handle lining up with the right arm as shown here.

My question is at what stage has the ball gone and "doesn't care"?
Pushing on the back of the shaft???

Well, "feel and real are two different things", as you know. For me, it FEELS like I am just forcefully adding speed to the unhinging of the club from the upper lever system. I'm not conscious of the strong punching thrust of my right arm at impact, but its obviously a HUGE factor in how much the player can add to speed of the release of the shaft. I feel the extention after my hands pass my left foot, where it feels like my arms are being pulled out of their sockets.
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