Brian help!, Head moves (spine angle loss) during backswing

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Brian, recently I've been hitting some thin shots. I recently noticed my head moving up during my backswing which in turn causes my thin shots. The reason I know this is I can do my backswing really really slowly and I then flush the ball. Am i using too much of a arm swing or lifting the club. How can I keep myself from doing this so much? I also snap my kinetic chain and stand up a little at impact. Need help here. Thanks.


Brian Manzella

Brian, recently I've been hitting some thin shots. I recently noticed my head moving up during my backswing which in turn causes my thin shots. The reason I know this is I can do my backswing really really slowly and I then flush the ball. Am i using too much of a arm swing or lifting the club. How can I keep myself from doing this so much? I also snap my kinetic chain and stand up a little at impact. Need help here. Thanks.


You might need a steeper backswing shoulder turn.
Ok, I will try that. But should I stand up a little bit at impact when I snap my kinetic chain? Thanks Brian.

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