Charles Barkley

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Looking at his old swings, I bet he developed his awful hitch by trying to swing with his body (the classic "from the ground up") in conjunction with a flat-left-wrist, drag inspired negative torque. Has to be. And it is likely that his instincts were rebelling against his intentions as he subconsciously knew that he was likely to either 1) hit it fat 2) hit it thin 3) hit too far inside out aand/or 4) injure his wrists in the violent collision.

I'm watching the American Century Am on GC and he looks like he is focusing on hitting it with his wrists -- and he's having some success.

Brian Manzella

That is a great video of Charles, and I think you have the problem—someone told him to do "something" first.

And you can EASILY see what that something is.

The second video is MUCH better, but still not quite right.

He need to try to the get clubhead moving earlier, and then he can hit it like he does—very well—in the first one.
How do you even know where to start with Charles. His swing on the Tahoe practice range looked much better than the other video. That makes me think his brain must be fried when he gets on the course...just too scared to move.
My videos from this year at tahoe:
Definitely was a nervous hitch because he only hitched on the first tee. Poor guy. Victim of way too much bad advice.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I caddied for him for 4 days in a row at the Mario Lemieux Celebrity Event (Mario thought it was funny). Unless he was lying to me, he told me flat out that a pro told him to dead pause at the top, and it was all over from there.


Holy crap, what the hell is that!? Is there something physically wrong with him? wow, that actually hurts to watch. Gotta give him credit for not giving up I guess.


You have to differentiate Barkley's swing when he was well over 300 lbs and his much reduced weight. His swing improved somewhat after he lost weight and was not impeded by his significant belly mass affecting his kinetic and kinematic swing chain.

When he was heaving a big belly, he had to stop halfway into the downswing to stop the momentum of his gross belly, otherwise his spine would be compromised by a lot of flying fat. The human brain will not allow it's spinal cord extension to be injured and will autonomically abort movement that is dangerous to the spine. That's why overweight/obese men block their hips in the downswing forcing their shoulders to block resulting in an OTT swing.

Barkley's swing must be analyzed both kinematically and kinetically to determine his problem. Analyzing the motion is easy, but to sense the forces that cause the motion is truly scientific.
I've seen a fair amount of bad swings, but nothing like Charles. I don't know if knowledge will help him. He needs to completely re-wire his brain to have a chance at playing golf. Sad, he's such a great entertainer and is great for the game. He truly loves golf and I wish him the best. I can only image how much money he lost playing Joradan and Tiger. You know those guys laid into him and got into his head. Charles would be better swinging with his eyes closed. I saw him swing with one arm at Tahoe.
How can anyone move like that, start...stop...throw in some forward lean (ironically more with his body than the club)...start again in time for impact.

He has seen it on video.

He continues to do it.

I think he likes the attention he gets for being so dreadful.

It's pretty cool that KS got to hang with Sir Charles, but as much as I love his hoops game and his tnt gig. I wouldn't wanna watch that swing for four days.


Dartitis .. and Yips too ... same affliction ...!!!!

Actually it's a Freudian hangup... with the evil id attacking the superego while the fragile ego goes into a state of apoplexy.. resulting in a system crash .... simple science.. so obvious.
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