Components that influence divot depth

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Clearly, plane angle is not the only component that influences divot depth, as some teachers will lead you to believe.

On one hand we have Colin Montgomerie who pretty much picks the ball with his upright, turning shoulder plane angle. Jack pretty much picked it. Greg Norman picked it with his upright swing and when Butch flattened him out, he still picked it.

On the other hand, we have some flat swingers like Jose Maria Olazabal and Chad Cambell that take a good bit of turf. And Tiger's divots are much deeper now with Haney's more rounded swing than he did when he was swinging more upright with Butch's swing.

I have a little twinge in left elbow. I've been taking some beaver pelts this spring. Direction of divot is good. Ball flight is good. Trajectory is mid. Flattening plane angle didn't help. I just had a thought that my arms are too relaxed at address and my radius was lengthening too much through impact. Swinging pattern.

Brian and/or Manzella golf crew, will you please post a complete listing of the components that affect divot depth, and how they affect divot depth?

I'll do my best to start:

1.) Plane Angle:
Steeper Plane Angle = Deeper Divot
Flatter Plane Angle = Shallower Divot

2.) Establishing swing radius:
more extensor action at address = shallower divot
less extensor action at address = deeper divot

3.) Setup: Ball position: Distance from the ball
Closer = deeper
Further away = shallower

4.) Setup: Ball position
Further forward = shallower
Further back = deeper

5.) axis tilt: more = shallower divot
less = deeper divot

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