Driver vs irons

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Utilizing the SD pattern, what could be some explanations for inconsistency with the irons versus hitting the driver? I have no complaints with the driver but my irons have been somewhat inconsistent...some fat, thin pulls and inconsistent distances. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Damn Brian is good...just went through the old 1-8 episodes and there it was...

1. I had lost the "get the left shoulder as far away at impact."
2. while float loading the club I was not letting it set at the top...never
created the angle between the shaft and left arm.
3. Hit the ball with the Pivot!!!

Is there any golf swing problem that the answer can't be found in those 8 episodes. We are all so lucky that those are available...they are priceless!

I vote for an episode 9 where brian teaches us how to score with the
100 yd 90 yd 80 yd 70 yd etc shots.
what kind of information do you think they are going to give you about how to score from inside 100 yards? its a pretty simple answer: first decide if you are going to carry a thousand wedges or just a couple; second decide if you are going to do it based on "feel" or if you are going to use a clock-face backswing system; third GO PRACTICE FOREVER. The only other thing I can think of that Brian would add is something about trying to minimize forward shaft lean for these shots. Still, theres no magic bullet for these shots. You have to practice alot for them than be instructed for them.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Not trying to call you out or anything future, but why do you think Brian wouldn't have much to add on this topic? I do agree this area of the game needs to be practiced more than any other.
Not trying to call you out or anything future, but why do you think Brian wouldn't have much to add on this topic? I do agree this area of the game needs to be practiced more than any other.

because its the same info he gives on the full swing. its like saying, how about some time for 6 irons from 150-190 yards. the info is ALREADY out there. people need to practice it. they arent going to get better at it reading about it on the computer, because its not novel info. far too often we get into the mindset that there must be some easier way to do something, because we arent as good at it as we think we should be. the answer is practice, not over analysis.
what kind of information do you think they are going to give you about how to score from inside 100 yards? its a pretty simple answer: first decide if you are going to carry a thousand wedges or just a couple; second decide if you are going to do it based on "feel" or if you are going to use a clock-face backswing system; third GO PRACTICE FOREVER. The only other thing I can think of that Brian would add is something about trying to minimize forward shaft lean for these shots. Still, theres no magic bullet for these shots. You have to practice alot for them than be instructed for them.

Forgive me O Great One...some of us like visuals. Why all the negativity? I practice religiously, but am always looking for more info to make that practice more efficient. I learn best by MODELING and from Brian's first 8 lessons I learned a lot by WATCHING his demos. In my lesson with him, I learned so much by WATCHING him hit some of the wedge shots but it was a ton of info and would like to see Brian do a DVD on the short game for reference purposes. :mad:
because its the same info he gives on the full swing. its like saying, how about some time for 6 irons from 150-190 yards. the info is ALREADY out there. people need to practice it. they arent going to get better at it reading about it on the computer, because its not novel info. far too often we get into the mindset that there must be some easier way to do something, because we arent as good at it as we think we should be. the answer is practice, not over analysis.

i dunno, i learned a lot from over and out and never knew how to hit the fizz fizz checka (tour pitch) until i came here...
isn't brian planning to market the short game matrix? you aren't interested in that future37? i am...
i dunno, i learned a lot from over and out and never knew how to hit the fizz fizz checka (tour pitch) until i came here...
isn't brian planning to market the short game matrix? you aren't interested in that future37? i am...

i dont consider half or 3/4 wedge shots "short game". short game to me is pitching and chipping around the green. theres no reason to have a separate "matrix" for half and 3/4 wedge shots. use the same swing you use for full irons.
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