Few Questions

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I have been working on my swing for about 8 months now, but have only been chipping and pitching around a football field near my home. I have been working on feeling the rt forefinger and keeping the flat left wrist and bent right. Things that I love, PureSwing (love the feel of the rod touching my left forearm), the Tac-Tic, chipping one handed (right and left).

I changed my grip (per Brian, neutral grip, Go Texas Longhorns rt).

The upshot of all this is that my chipping and pitching are much much better.

Here is the rub, haven't been hitting long ball at all. Well, my worst fears came try. Asked to play in a tourney with some friends. Played Friday and Monday.

Friday I hit everything fairly well but the driver was not as long as usual (of course I have lost about 40 pounds on Atkins so no big deal). I was suprised that most of my drives were straight and a few were pushed or pulled a but but still straight. My 25 year slice was nowhere to be seen which I found to be amazing.

I tried to "tilt my teacup" a bit yesterday and don't know if I was successful or not. I do know that my mid irons were not near "down" enough (and they were short so flipping suspect).

On my driver, at the end, I found that at the top, I tried to feel as though I was pulling the handle straight back and down before I began to turn (which produced a straight on drive but not as long as before weight loss). Brian, is this the feeling you get on downswing, back and down?

My real question is what now? I plan to go back to pitches and chips to get the lag feel but lose it as soon as I begin to hit full shots. Should I go pound some drivers? Should I film myself and cry? (rhetorica).

What now? I can say that for a guy that only played twice last year and once this year (with only chipping practice) I was much better than when I practiced at the range two or three times per week.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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