For your amusement, my swing

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u got me, I do that too! my nickname is lumberjack can u guess why?

You are either the subject of a Monty Python sketch or you spent a lot of time hacking around in trees. :D

If you are not familiar with the former, then Google "Monty Python - Lumberjack". Its guaranteed to make you smile.



Looks like your working kind of hard with the body, kind of a round house look through the ball.
You could work on less club rotation going back which might reduce some of the roundhouse.
Have you seen NSA?

I have and seen NSA, the twist away is one of my favorites, but I tended to hook it way too much.


You are either the subject of a Monty Python sketch or you spent a lot of time hacking around in trees. :D

If you are not familiar with the former, then Google "Monty Python - Lumberjack". Its guaranteed to make you smile.

let see, life of brian, in search of the holy grail, the meaing if life, plus the tv show did I miss any? some people dont like that kind of humor but I like it.


The juggler question was asked because I counted at least 4 balls in the air at once. :)

I knew what u meant, I can get a little rapid fire. but theres this youmg guy and man hes worse than me, he can go through an 80 ball bucket in like 20 mns. He goes through the ball like crazy, Ilike to watch him, kinda hypnotizes and realxes me.
I would suggest working on getting the hands a bit more vertical in the downswing and allowing the angle/offset of the club and hands. It looks to me that sometimes you get the handle up too high and tend to hit pulls.
I knew what u meant, I can get a little rapid fire. but theres this youmg guy and man hes worse than me, he can go through an 80 ball bucket in like 20 mns. He goes through the ball like crazy, Ilike to watch him, kinda hypnotizes and realxes me.

that's me...60 balls in 5 min.


I would suggest working on getting the hands a bit more vertical in the downswing and allowing the angle/offset of the club and hands. It looks to me that sometimes you get the handle up too high and tend to hit pulls.

I pulled 1 shot in this sequence, the other were fades/straight balls, I was working on swinging more left, u know the d plane thing, ball on the ground swing left to get the ball to go straight.
I pulled 1 shot in this sequence, the other were fades/straight balls, I was working on swinging more left, u know the d plane thing, ball on the ground swing left to get the ball to go straight.

Umm, ya. I know a little about the d-plane. Sorry for not seeing the whole ball flight from the video. I was judging initial ball flight with your closed stance(could be wrong on that too, though). I guess you didn't understand what I was talking about in the swing. But hey, if you're hitting the ball how and where you want to, stick with it.
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Umm, ya. I know a little about the d-plane. Sorry for not seeing the whole ball flight from the video. I was judging initial ball flight with your closed stance(could be wrong on that too, though). I guess you didn't understand what I was talking about in the swing. But hey, if you're hitting the ball how and where you want to, stick with it.

Balsl usually go where I want, usually and yeah I didnt understand what u said, vertical hands, high handle, but if you are willing to explain in a way I can better understand the student is ready to learn. How about a video explantion?
Balsl usually go where I want, usually and yeah I didnt understand what u said, vertical hands, high handle, but if you are willing to explain in a way I can better understand the student is ready to learn. How about a video explantion?

I will try to explain further, but sorry no video. From the top at the transition you have a lot of carry, which isn't a problem. But, the hands look to continue to be pulled out toward the ball through the the rest of the downswing. I suggest getting them working down more toward your toes. Then as you come into impact the hands will be lower with the club head going to the ball. This can allow for better control of the club face, path and angle of attack when using the proper coupling point motion as in the big release thread. I think it would be a small change for you and would lead to being more consistent.


I will try to explain further, but sorry no video. From the top at the transition you have a lot of carry, which isn't a problem. But, the hands look to continue to be pulled out toward the ball through the the rest of the downswing. I suggest getting them working down more toward your toes. Then as you come into impact the hands will be lower with the club head going to the ball. This can allow for better control of the club face, path and angle of attack when using the proper coupling point motion as in the big release thread. I think it would be a small change for you and would lead to being more consistent.

Cool Ill try that Ill keep you posted, I think Ill go spank some balls tomorrow morning, I love the smell of napalm in the morning, oh wait wrong movie, I love the smell of fresh cut grass in the morning or something like that.


I will try to explain further, but sorry no video. From the top at the transition you have a lot of carry, which isn't a problem. But, the hands look to continue to be pulled out toward the ball through the the rest of the downswing. I suggest getting them working down more toward your toes. Then as you come into impact the hands will be lower with the club head going to the ball. This can allow for better control of the club face, path and angle of attack when using the proper coupling point motion as in the big release thread. I think it would be a small change for you and would lead to being more consistent.

spktho my man, I went to driving range today and tried what u suggested with driver, camera dont lie, I cannot do it, so after a about 40 balls I said to my self, self we need our hand more down and not out, of all the thing I tried what else can we do, for some reason Freddy couples came to mind, dont ask me why amd I did a few swing how I picture his swing in my mind, not how he does it but how I picture it in my mind. I know for sure he swings with an across the line swing and I concentraded on that. I did a few rehearsal swings teed up a ball and bam hit a nice straigh ball kinda long too, dude I havent seen my driver ball go so well in a long long time. The swing felt slow, smooth and the clubhead came from the inside I think I have it on video if not will head back out and video some swing. This across the line bs seem so easy going back and so smooth and powefull coming into the ball, I did hits some bad shots but not as bad as I usually do with my regular driver swing. thanks for ur help.
spktho my man, I went to driving range today and tried what u suggested with driver, camera dont lie, I cannot do it, so after a about 40 balls I said to my self, self we need our hand more down and not out, of all the thing I tried what else can we do, for some reason Freddy couples came to mind, dont ask me why amd I did a few swing how I picture his swing in my mind, not how he does it but how I picture it in my mind. I know for sure he swings with an across the line swing and I concentraded on that. I did a few rehearsal swings teed up a ball and bam hit a nice straigh ball kinda long too, dude I havent seen my driver ball go so well in a long long time. The swing felt slow, smooth and the clubhead came from the inside I think I have it on video if not will head back out and video some swing. This across the line bs seem so easy going back and so smooth and powefull coming into the ball, I did hits some bad shots but not as bad as I usually do with my regular driver swing. thanks for ur help.

I'm not too sure getting across the line at the top of the backswing will help with what I suggested, but it may. Just try to keep the hands and handle lower into impact. This will help the hands stay inside the clubhead and should help deliver it more consistently.

Either way glad to see you found something to help.

On a side note, I picked up a Swing Rite. For the limited amount I can swing it right now, I can see some benefit to using it.


I'm not too sure getting across the line at the top of the backswing will help with what I suggested, but it may. Just try to keep the hands and handle lower into impact. This will help the hands stay inside the clubhead and should help deliver it more consistently.

Either way glad to see you found something to help.

On a side note, I picked up a Swing Rite. For the limited amount I can swing it right now, I can see some benefit to using it.

The swing rite is cool device, but be careful dont over do it, I goet really obsessed on getting t click on 1 and hurt my wrist and elbows, it was awhile before I could swing anything I think 3 months.


I'm not too sure getting across the line at the top of the backswing will help with what I suggested, but it may. Just try to keep the hands and handle lower into impact. This will help the hands stay inside the clubhead and should help deliver it more consistently.

Either way glad to see you found something to help.

On a side note, I picked up a Swing Rite. For the limited amount I can swing it right now, I can see some benefit to using it.

here are 2 vids fo and dtl driver



I'm not too sure getting across the line at the top of the backswing will help with what I suggested, but it may. Just try to keep the hands and handle lower into impact. This will help the hands stay inside the clubhead and should help deliver it more consistently.

Either way glad to see you found something to help.

On a side note, I picked up a Swing Rite. For the limited amount I can swing it right now, I can see some benefit to using it.

Im gonna see about soft draw pattern, I have the video and kinda tried it but didnt seem to click with me untill now lets see what happens.
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