Have a look - Trained eyes only!

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Have a look - Trained eyes needed!

Hi all,

I Have been a lunch break and evening reader of Brians Forum for many months. Thought I would take the plunge and post my first videos for critique.

Background: Started 18 months ago and cant get enough - always the last on the course and don't leave the range till its dark. I wanna improve and I want to improve quickly. I am self taught but learnt most of my current swing pattern from picking up bits from here.

Well enough of that, heres my swing in various forms - Caddie View / DTL / super slo mo for those interested in my impact position with a 3 wood.

Please note - I am hitting a rubber ball as I am aiming at my next door neighbours fence - woops

backgarden.m4v - YouTube

1000fps.m4v - YouTube

DTL.m4v - YouTube

(pre titlt your head for the last one guys - you'll see what I mean)

Thanks for all and any help with anything you can spot and advise me on
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Are those Hanes?


best thing, to swing in !

Yea the right foot drag is perhaps a bit OTT. I think it is just to accomdate the full turn into the finish and allow that right hip to complete its turn. I also have a tendency to hang back on the back foot, and this stops me from doing that (I think).

Perhaps my right hip is using the left hip as a hinge / pivot, hence it has a more pronounced radius or turning range than it should?

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
The first swing post in full tilt underwear. Almost spit my coffee out when I looked at it!

Who's gonna up the ante and show two things swinging?
The first swing post in full tilt underwear. Almost spit my coffee out when I looked at it!

Who's gonna up the ante and show two things swinging?


Glad to have started your day off nicely...

I ve set the bar!

Kevin - Do you see anything worht pointing out?
That's one of the biggest shoulder turns you'll ever see right there.

Hey Erik,

That may explain the across the line position I can get myself into often on full swings. Because im over rotating my shoulder, it makes the club look across the line when viewed dtl?

The shoulder turn feels natural to me though, and anything short of that feels cut off on a full swing
Looking at the shoulder turn, I think the excessive turn of my hips into the backswing, allows for the extreme shoulder turn - perhaps a cause for inconsistency, as that is a major improvement area for me!
Nice move. If the ball flights are good work on the short game to improve.
powerful turn, no major compensations that I can see on the way back through the ball. Don't over analyze it or you will end up like Tiger (to hell with scoring, I must have the perfect swing)
Don't over analyze it or you will end up like Tiger (to hell with scoring, I must have the perfect swing)

You are definitely right that you can get caught up in the finer details, I think the perfect quote is "cant see the wood for the trees"

I am definitely guilty of the above; trying to find faults, corrections, ideals, actions to improve, but they rarely last longer than a weeks honeymoon period.

For example, one thing I am obsessed with is impact positions and forward shaft lean. I have literally looked at the 1000fps video dozens of times pausing at impact to check alignments!

BTW, am I releasing to soon? lol
You are definitely right that you can get caught up in the finer details, I think the perfect quote is "cant see the wood for the trees"

I am definitely guilty of the above; trying to find faults, corrections, ideals, actions to improve, but they rarely last longer than a weeks honeymoon period.

For example, one thing I am obsessed with is impact positions and forward shaft lean. I have literally looked at the 1000fps video dozens of times pausing at impact to check alignments!

BTW, am I releasing to soon? lol

I don't think you release too soon. You do look a little flippy at the bottom but that is a different thing.
You do look a little flippy at the bottom but that is a different thing.

Does flipping just purely describe the action of bending of the wrists (palmar & dorsal directions) irrelevant of when in the swing this is done?

doing this before contact could be suicide but I presume you could flip after coming into contact and still have shaft lean?

I definitely flip after contact as my club head overtakes and bends my left wrist in Dorsal direction, I just hope I hold onto it at impact
Does flipping just purely describe the action of bending of the wrists (palmar & dorsal directions) irrelevant of when in the swing this is done?

doing this before contact could be suicide but I presume you could flip after coming into contact and still have shaft lean?

I definitely flip after contact as my club head overtakes and bends my left wrist in Dorsal direction, I just hope I hold onto it at impact

The club should overtake the hands after impact. You really just need enough forward lean to expose the sweet spot to the ball. I'll let more experienced folks talk about what needs to happen but I would look at some of these threads on the pivot and set-up:




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thanks Faux,

I hadn't seen those threads before but they have some great info Im gonna apply.

It looks like it is OK to have to have the head move off the ball laterally on the back swing - I have always been told to keep it centered but found that more awkward than the lateral move. People I play with always say 'you moved your head off the ball! Keep your head still!'

Well I'm not going to try and change that now.

Interested to see what the Manzella crew would work on if they had my swing??
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