Hello, first post and first Q about my swing

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Hello, first post and first Q about my swing *now with video*


I found this place last week and have just about read all the old threads in a few marathon sessions. Really enjoying all the info and my analytical mind has enjoyed getting into the finer points of the swing. I've learned a lot.

Now, on to my question.

I'm pretty good, I guess. The last 5 rounds I've played I've broken 75 including a low of even par 71. I've taken 3 lessons over my golfing career, which has been about 14 years I guess (I'm 26), and all three of the pros I took the lessons from told me I had a beautiful swing with which they wouldn't really change anything. My last 4 drives in play were 265, 270, 290, and 275 carry, and my driver clubhead speed has been clocked up to 118.

Now, I preface with all that to make a point that, at the end of the day, I should have a lot going for me, and also hopefully it helps give you a background. However, I have a couple of pretty big issues that are preventing me from breaking 70 and maybe getting into competing at a high amateur level, which is my goal.

1. I've been fighting the pull draws for some time. I've applied a lot of the things I've read here to my swing and at times it has helped, but I just can't quite "cure" it. I've been playing way right of greens and I still tend to miss left.

When I do that, I also tend to hit it just fat enough to come up 5-10 yards short.

2. I have what seems to be a mental block when it comes to the long irons. Any time I get into anything longer than a 6 iron, something happens and I can't hit 'em worth anything. I know I have the clubhead speed to hit 4 and 5 irons, and probably 3 iron too, but 3-5 irons seem like weak slaps, no compression, and all go about the same distance as my 7 or 8 iron. The divots on these tend to be big OTT looking things with the face shut, or I will occasionally push slice, especially when I try to hit the long irons with a half swing or punch swing. On long par 4s and shortish par 5s, I'm often reduced to kind of duffing it up close to the green and getting up and down, but I'm sacrificing strokes with my poor long iron play.

Here's new video of 7-iron shots, hit into the woods behind my house...

Any ideas? Looking at this video now, first time I've seen video of my swing in a long time, I can see that I'm quite flat on the backswing and my pivot looks loose.

Thanks! As I said, I love this place and have learned to think about the swing in a new way.
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Welcome to the forum! :)

My first thought is that you have a problem in your setup, which could originate with your grip. It's difficult to pin it down without actually seeing you in person. Any pics or video available?

Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
do you only pull draw with the long irons?

are you sure that your grip isn't too strong?

what is your typical ball flight?
No video...yet.

I pretty much pull everything. With the long irons, they fly for such a short time that they pretty much go straight, but on the odd occasion I catch one OK, they too are tending to be pulls.

My grip is neutral and I've moved it weaker to experiment, but the pulls persist.

One thought I had last night trying to fall asleep is that I could be just armsy enough to have a small flip, which throws everything off in the long irons.

Thanks for the responses.

Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
"Confessions of a Former Flipper" is a good start if you think that you may have a mini-flip.

Also, try working the club more toward the inside-back of the golf ball. It's pretty tough to hit pulls if you get to the inside of the ball. Feel like you're driving your right shoulder toward the inside of the ball during the downswing.

Don't aim to the right to play your pull, just take dead aim and work on getting your path coming more from the inside.
You must be pretty good to shoot rounds in the mid 70s, have a neutral to weak grip, aim right, pull hook it, and execute shots where you're able to get an up and down on many occasions. That is seriously awesome.
You must be pretty good to shoot rounds in the mid 70s, have a neutral to weak grip, aim right, pull hook it, and execute shots where you're able to get an up and down on many occasions. That is seriously awesome.

Thanks. It's been a good month.

Played 9 this morning and things were better. 1-over 36, 12 putts.

Hit the ball straighter without so much pull.

I think I was getting too close to the ball so I've moved it farther away and really concentrated on working my shoulder down toward the ball and coming from the inside. Still losing most of them left, but only 10 yards instead of 25.

Does playing the ball a little farther away from me seem like a good solution or is it a band aid? It's not much farther, just a tad.


TRy working on tracing the plane line with our right forearm and club shaft. make some smaller swings , aquired motion swing back arms parrell to the ground and through to parrell in the forward swing, checking through impact look look look at your hands and wrists! where is the back of your hand pointind at impact? to the right i hope ! and then at seperation ? pointing to the target ? so the club face has rotated from open to square! Horizontal hing. with a three dimensional imact, down out and forwards taking the club to low point and through tracing a straight plane line!!!! you are swinging i hope
Well, went out and worked on some stuff today. Took more video. Here are some things I was working on and maybe somebody can tell me if they think I'm on the right track.

I'm trying to get my hands higher at the top, a product of a more on-plane backswing. I fight that around the body move, learned it from being too big of a fan of Bobby Jones early in my golfing career, I think. In the videos, I think I come over the top from that, which still seems to be from the inside.

Really working to get my alignment right on.

I don't like how my right knee is already touching my left at impact so I made a lot of flat-footed swings and worked on maintaining some width between the knees which helps stabilize my pivot and body.

Then, while I do have a flat left wrist at impact, I believe it is in the process of flipping, so I've been working hard on trying to stabilize my hands through impact and keep the wrist flat longer, more extension around left into the finish.

Seem about right?
Also, just went to hit some more, figured out the reason I pull the ball...

In a little extra effort to "keep my head back", I pull the head back to my right, but also slightly forward over my toes, which realigns everything to the pull side.

Any suggestions on how to quell that?
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