hitting the box

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Mike Austin Swing Analysis

If you listen to Brian's Mike Austin swing analysis, he uses the term "hitting the box" to describe how Austin's hands through impact "hit the box" he had drawn up from the centre of his feet at address.


The "Box" is an Impact Bag; a Car Tyre (Auto Tire to you guys over there) or an upturned milk crate, both as favoured by Ben Doyle.

Simply put, it is a barrier you hit against whilst maintaining a flat left wrist and bent right wrist - both forwards of the clubhead at impact.
timm said:
Can some one explain the "hitting the box" statement.


I understand that a key point is that clubhead AND shaft hit a vertical face of the box SIMULTANEOUSLY, achieved by Flat left wrist.

Brian has posted a series of impact photos face-on somewhere here that show this position with the vertical face of "box" being positioned at different places relative to left leg etc. . I think Trevino ( as per logo) hits box furthest forward - ie. most in front of left leg.
Seve's door

timm said:
Can some one explain the "hitting the box" statement.


I think it is like this. Can someone confirm?
hcw said:
so how does this fit with hands leading clubhead into impact?


Picture where the ball should be located. The only way for the hands and the club to be in this position this far past impact is if they are leading at impact. Also, I think that the argument could be made that the clubhead is still trailing the hands, as evidenced by the angle between the left arm and the clubshaft, as well as by the angle in the back of the right hand.


Brian Manzella said:
Well Chris, the BOX is PAST impact.


ok, fair enough...somehow from an earlier discussion i (obviously) got the impression it was at impact...thnx!

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