How to stop crossing the Line at the Top?

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I'm having trouble with crossing the line at the top of my backswing. Any ideas on how to get the club more on plane at the top?
5 Common causes of Crossing the Line at the Top

1) Overturning - Shoulders and/or Hips
2) Bending the Right Elbow too much
3) Right elbow too far around ribcage
4) Counter clockwise rotation of hands
5) Double cocking both wrists

Brian Manzella

You need more "pop out"

If the hands take a path more straight back from the ball, as oppossed to on an arc, the clubhead will noramlly seek its "normal" position, this will encourage the right elbow to be more down and the right hand to be more under, with the club on the inside of the triangle. Often the left elbow will stay higher than the right.

Having said that, if you "fix it" it may not be an upgrade.

Underhanded Javelin Throw "intention" will also an effect.

NAT, but can you explain things in simple terms like Brian does? In a way that doesn't include all the vertical/incline plane lingo? I'm still stuck on the books by Dr. Seuss.

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator

Imagine a pane of glass coming up from the target line and turning your hands towards that pane of glass so that the back of your left hand would be parallel to the pane of glass, instead of being able to lay your hands on the inclined plane.

Hope that helps
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