Instruction Help

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Brian, I am new to the forums and trying to soak in some of your instruction articles and videos. I live in morehead, Ky about 2 hours from Louisville and have considered coming for a lesson. I have been playing golf for about 3 years and shoot in the high 70's most of the time but have an occasional 80's round. I played baseball my whole life including through college and have that type of swing. My main problem is I get to my left side really good but my head moves toward the target and my right foot comes off the ground. So then I immediately tend to flip (I think?) sometimes hooking all my drives but not really my irons. I have vidoed myself and I'm coming from the inside but only because I move hard to my left side and noticed I have a flat left wrist but clubface is extremely shut pointing at the sky. I've tried cupping wrist but still tend to hook. I still don't get a real good compression with the irons. Anyway, I hook really bad with my woods. I have been to many big name instructors and spent thousands of dollars on instruction. I still haven't found anybody to really help me. I've tried so called one plane instructors and two plane instructors. I have been told to start my arms first on the downswing and get it on plane with hands leading at the club head. Then I have one plane instructors tell me to start my torso (hips) first on the downswing with my hands and arms passive. I want to know what really works. My question is, which of your videos (free or retail) do you suggest me to watch to get a good instruction on what you teach. Backswing, downswing, pivot, how to not flip at impact, all that stuff. Hope you can help. As you can see I've traveled everywhere because I'm deteremined to get into the 60's. Thanks.

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Start driving!!

Best thing to do is buy Never Hook Again or just get in your car and start driving. I would love to be 2 hrs away. It would take me that long in a plane. I'm sure I would have had about 10 lessons by now, nothing close to the 0 that I have currently. Someday.....

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Never Hook Again in the video short 1-4, is what you'd need to watch.

However, only being only 2 hrs away i'd just go see Brian. The money spent with him will have you performing it MUCH MUCH quicker than you trying to do it on your own with just the video.
Go, Go, Go!

Jim is right...there is no substitute for seeing Brian in person. I tried the home cure with the NHA video but couldn't quite get the hang of it and ended up drifting to other things, but when I finally got to see Brian, in 1 hour he got me on the right path (and I live in Europe)....if I was 2 hours away, I would being going to see him monthly!
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