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A few months back someone said to me that I was “casting.” I took his word and began doing a search on the web for “lag.” It led me to a couple sites which eventually led me to The Golfing Machine. I bought a copy and began reading but it didn’t take me long to realize I would never understand this book by myself, or at least most of it. But I realized that this was how I wanted to shape my game and my understanding of it.

Being 60 I realized I had to make one of two decisions: 1) Forget about TGM because I’d be dead before I’d ever understand it. 2) Find someone who could make some sense out if.

Since I wasn’t ready to die, I decided to find “someone”, but who? I decided to go to the TGM Forums and find someone whom I deemed best understood and expressed TGM. My conclusion was YODA! I contacted him and he had an immediate opening because of the extra-good weather we’ve been experiencing in the Southeast US. My wife and I traveled down Friday night 200 miles and met Yoda Saturday morning for my instruction. We came back Saturday evening for my chapel service at the VA Sunday morning.

The first part of the lesson involved a simple explanation of the geometry of the swing. This would, of course, be the foundation for the rest of the lesson. From there we moved to the range and within 3 seconds Yoda determined that I was a hitter. I think that was good news because I figured I was too old to be a swinger. I exclaimed, “How do you know I’m a hitter!?”

The video quickly confirmed but also revealed a breakdown of the wrists (which I pretty much figured were all messed up after golfing incorrectly for 45 years. I thought you were supposed to use your wrists.). It also revealed among other things coming over the top.

Yoda gave me a new understanding of the golf swing so that even if I’m not doing it right, I know what I’m supposed to be doing. He gave me a new setup up at the very beginning. We worked on the different clubs, starting with the PW, trying to reprogram those hands and wrists. That, of course, will take some work on my part the next few months. The “coming over the top” will also take some re-training and the new setup is a big help in getting me there. He gave a drill to assist in developing the lag – which the lack thereof hinders my distance.

Yoda gave me several drills and I was able to videotape so I can perform them correctly at home. Hopefully down the road on our way back and forth to Florida (where our son lives) I can stop and show him the progress I’ve made and have him assess the swing.

I would encourage any who might be like me, maybe a little frustrated with your game and understanding of TGM, to contact Yoda. He has great perception of the swing and an incredible knowledge of TGM, but he’s able to make it simple. He has some aids made from Homer’s plans that assist in understanding such things as the hinge. You won’t be disappointed with your time spent under his instruction. When you leave you will have the knowledge and the skills to develop a powerful swing. He has a beautiful swing but done with very little body movement and I’m quite sure his drives were going between 250-280 yards, maybe further.

Thanx again, YODA, for the fantastic instruction.

Horton - you might be on the something. I never saw Tball, Dave, none of them- in one place at the same time.

or, TGM and Yoda works.

It is the second one.

I am so new to TGM I don't think I'm in a position to explain the drills to you. There are the drills with wedges, trying to train the wrists and hands, drills with the rackets to teach proper downswing, drills with the dowels to reinforce the same as well to use on the impact bag. In other words I have a lot of work to do. Yoda is a fantastic teacher but I have to practice, just as if I were taking piano lessons. Hopefully YODA will have some of these on his new DVD! Wish I could be more helpful.


I'm not sure what your saying or implying. These were my words that I put together yesterday on my own without looking at anyone's notes or posts. If you're implying I copied something, nothing could be farther from the truth.


Here is another ringing endorsement for Yoda's fine teaching of TGM taken from the GEA golf forum and posted on Jan 4th ::

quote: Posted by GolfnutEric
To:  ALL    165590.1 

A great lesson today with Yoda. And what a day here in Atlanta. 70 degrees, no wind, just a perfect day.

Yoda spent a fair amount of time explaining the geometry of the golf swing. He did it in a way I never heard before. He used some Golfing Machine terms, but took the time to explain them. With this basic info, we went to the range. We spent a lot of time on setup. I had too much side tilt and Yoda basicially had my head right over the ball. He showed me how to align to my target line, as I tended to set up in a closed manner. Using dowels and tennis rackets, we practiced the role of the hands, wrists, and arms in gettting the club back on plane and down in a postion to best compress the ball and get solid contact. These drills really made a lot of things crystal clear. We went over the pressure points, and most importantly I learned how to use PP#1 to create lag and prevent club throwaway. It was tough at first, but didn't take long to get it. And I was able to hit many fine shots. I had a tendency to go back to old ways, he quickly gave me feedback and checkpoints. By the end of the lesson, I felt like I was a machine. Able to produce shots on a much more consistent basis without guesswork.

He shortened my swing dramatically. Short does not mean less powerful, but does mean more efficient and Yoda is an expert in showing you how to avoid wasted motion.

I left feeling confidence I never felt before. And I was amazed at the entusiasm he had. I think Yoda enjoyed the lesson every bit as much as I did. And after our lesson, we hit a few hundred balls and I enjoyed watching his ball striking ability, which is very fine indeed.

I am going back to Yoda for another lesson and have signed the wife up for a session. I feel that strongly about him. He is not only a very dedicated and highly qualified instructor, but a very nice and down to earth person.

If you are ever in Atlanta, I would recommend looking him up if you want to learn the basic elements of THe Golfing Machine in a very crisp fashion. And come with an open mind, because a lot of myths you might hold so dear to golf instruction might be shattered.


Has anybody else found any more complimentary Yoda postings on other forums? Bring them all together so we may better appreciate Yoda's fine reputation as a teacher of the golfswing and TGM. Share .......
horton -

You still haven't explained your point! What are you trying to say or imply? Do you feel like you need a little praise? I'm a little thick. Just spell it out - what is it you want to say? I didn't read the quote you sent because it's immaterial. Again if you're implying I was scripted or copied you're in right field. And my wife was right there during the whole session. She had high regards for Yoda (as well as Ted whom we met). She is very skeptical of people but had nothing but praise for Yoda - as a person and as an instuctor. No one is perfect . . . we all have our flaws, to be sure. There was only one perfect person and we crucified Him. When praise is appropriate and deserved praise should be given. Do you have a problem with that? I don't know you from Adam and you don't know me from Adam, but you can call the VA Medical Center in Murfreesboro, TN and find out I'm a bonfied person and a bonified Chaplain. Oh, here's the number for the operator: 615.867.6000! I can also show you my handicap which my son just entered into his course's computer in Florida (as most of my heavy golf is played there) and it's a 9.3.


While I'm at it let me offer gratitude to Chuck for his book and DVD. I studied his book and DVD which pointed me in the right direction. However I realized I wanted to delve deeper and that course led me to Yoda.

So . . . Thanx to Chuck as well.

Hey fella ... don't go off the deep end by reading too much into my posts. Your evil resides in the eye of the beholder(you), and creates unwarranted distrust on this fine forum. Charity starts at home, and we can call this forum our TGM home courtesy of an enlightened Brian M.

All I am pointing out is that there seems to be a rash of Yoda endorsements on this and other golf forums .... and all I want to do is bring them all together to compare and help others decide on Yoda's fine teaching of the golfswing and TGM. I believe he is an AI, but I don't know what TGM designation level he holds. Is Yoda a GSED, like our Brian?
quote:Originally posted by horton

Hey fella ... don't go off the deep end by reading too much into my posts. Your evil resides in the eye of the beholder(you), and creates unwarranted distrust on this fine forum. Charity starts at home, and we can call this forum our TGM home courtesy of an enlightened Brian M.

All I am pointing out is that there seems to be a rash of Yoda endorsements on this and other golf forums .... and all I want to do is bring them all together to compare and help others decide on Yoda's fine teaching of the golfswing and TGM. I believe he is an AI, but I don't know what TGM designation level he holds. Is Yoda a GSED, like our Brian?

Yoda is Lynn Blake, GSED, and Brian recently went to Atlanta and had a lesson from him.
quote:Originally posted by efnef
Yoda is Lynn Blake, GSED, and Brian recently went to Atlanta and had a lesson from him.
Thanks for the info .... and just like a dentist would not fill his own cavities, I expect that Yoda would come to Brian for a lesson and an objective assessment of his TGM golfswing.

We all know that a lawyer who represents himself in court has a fool for a client, as are golfers who try to cobble together a homemade swing after reading TGM. [:eek:)]

I don't think I'm reading too much into your statements.

I'm not going to speak on Yoda's credentials . . . he can do that adequately himself if he so chooses. I will tell you he was instructed under Homer Kelley. Perhaps you've heard of him?

Good day!

quote:Originally posted by DESHAFFER

Horton -

By the way, the name is Dave - not fella.

Good Day!

I always pictured you as a "Deshawn" .... go figure ....;)

As for Yoda being instructed by Homer himself, well I hear that some AI's are distancing themselves from the teachings of Homer and modifying TGM to make it useful and legitimate .... go figure again ......[:0]
If TGM is modified, is it still TGM?

From my perspective, one who "modifies" the Bible to make it "more up-to-date" has now made it null and void. Accept it ALL or throw it all out is how I view it - ie, the Bible and TGM. And, I guess to some, TGM would be THEIR Bible!
quote:Originally posted by horton

Hey fella ... don't go off the deep end by reading too much into my posts. Your evil resides in the eye of the beholder(you), and creates unwarranted distrust on this fine forum. Charity starts at home, and we can call this forum our TGM home courtesy of an enlightened Brian M.

All I am pointing out is that there seems to be a rash of Yoda endorsements on this and other golf forums .... and all I want to do is bring them all together to compare and help others decide on Yoda's fine teaching of the golfswing and TGM. I believe he is an AI, but I don't know what TGM designation level he holds. Is Yoda a GSED, like our Brian?


If you were intelligent enough to do proper research, you would find the Yoda's teachings and praise from others has been consistent on Brian and Chuck's forums for at least the 18 months, I've been reading. Nothing new, just consistent advice and consistent praise!!

Can't say the same about you... Why are you such an angry person?
Do you think that there may be at least one dissatisfied customer of Yoda's on the planet? For a balanced evaluation of Yoda's teaching I would like to hear from somebody like that .... unless they are [xx(]


quote:Originally posted by horton

Do you think that there may be at least one dissatisfied customer of Yoda's on the planet? For a balanced evaluation of Yoda's teaching I would like to hear from somebody like that .... unless they are [xx(]

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