is this a good swing to copy

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I've tried this swing that retains FLW for t very long time and the results are low straight shots with a lot of spin and less effort..I hope this doesn't go against any forum policies..i just enjoy the effortless power that comes from this..what do you guys think of this way of swinging..throwaway is almost nonexistent..=)
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I've tried this swing that retains FLW for t very long time and the results are low straight shots with a lot of spin and less effort..I hope this doesn't go against any forum policies..i just enjoy the effortless power that comes from this..what do you guys think of this way of swinging..throwaway is almost nonexistent..=)

If you want to copy, then you should copy the swing which HE is trying to copy ;)
I know your just kidding when say he must be using senior shaffs. I know I shot the clip with my Camera and He was using apex5. I was with him this Saturday and he was using G2 swing wieght with X100 shaft 6 iron. I know I hit along ways myself and could not load it like the Hat. The Driver swing you can do as well. WHY SURE YOU CAN you just have to Trust it!
tong and otto...thanks so much for the info..the hat is the bomb..that what i want..the hit looks so solid an throwaway at all do you guys have more videos of the hat..=)
the hat talks of a drill called a four finger drill..kind of like brians fiddle drill..they say they can get close to full distances swinging like this..does anyone have info on this drill.
G2 Swing Weight

When you try this, I recommend you see your Physican. (Just kidding) Video tape yourself. I did. I could see how slow the club was traveling then magic happens (The Club lines up with your lever Assembly 'left Arm' ) You really have to do your work with hips. Boy that club is HEAVY! Remember! I am not an expert at this just telling you what I did and what I felt.

I wonder if Hats pattern is high maintenance?

By high maintenance, do you mean lots of practice time? You need to practice to ingrain the pattern (lke any other pattern), but once you have it you shouldn't need to practice religiously everyday.

However, I personally prefer a pattern that can cope with over-acceleration...something which I'm prone to do under pressure. Gregg's pattern doesn't work well if you can hook one shot and slice the next.
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