Manzella Neutral Grip

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I've recently watched a few of Brian's videos NHA, Confessions..., and Soft Draw and am eagerly trying the Manzella Neutral grip. So far, its been great.

However, I'm not quite sure the proper way to get the back of the wrist/forearm to match the clubface.

I believe I have the club running in the proper position under my heel pad but I don't know how to get rid of the 10-15 degrees of wrist bend.

Right now what I've been doing is taking my grip with the clubface 10-15 degree open and then setting the clubface down square when I set up to the ball. Any thoughts on that?

Did I miss something on one of the other videos on how to get the clubface and the wrist forearm to match?
I'm not really sure why you want to get rid of the bend in the left wrist. It's going to be there at address, assuming you're not using a big forward press.

For the MNG, you want the face to be square to the back of the left hand, which is not the same as the wrist.

Put the club in your hand, hold it out in front of you, and turn the palm to the ground. If the back of your left hand and the scorelines on the face of the club are both parallel to the ground, you're looking at the MNG. I don't think there's any special trick to doing this. It might just be uncomfortable or unfamiliar.

I didn't say anything about the forearm because it's not as planar as the back of the left hand, and I can't accurately describe in words how it's supposed to look for the MNG.

Hopefully one of the pros will chime in and sort you out.
My take

I've been working on Manzella neutral for 3 years now. The only way I can get this to work consistently is to hold my arm/wrist/hand out with the club parallel to my chest - AFTER I take my grip - then adjust the clubface to match the back of my left hand.

Just like Brian does in one of his videos (sorry I'm not sure which one that is)
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