Mike Finney

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New member
Could somebody show me where the video clips of Mike Finney's swing are?

I came across a face on swing and a down the line swing a while back but I can't find them now.
Couple of good ones on youtube as well.

PS I wonder how far that went and what type of shot he was hitting? Anyone know?


New member
Thanks Pecky.

Mike is one of my favourite swingers, I could watch that motion all day.

There is also a face on view of his swing with a cardboard box of all things in the fore ground that I can't find.

Maybe one of the moderators could post his swings in a sticky thread.
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is it me or has his grip got a his stronger than neutral?

if you look at the frame were his hands are level with the tree-tops in the distance, the face and left hand dont quite match
is it me or has his grip got a his stronger than neutral?

if you look at the frame were his hands are level with the tree-tops in the distance, the face and left hand dont quite match

Yeah I noticed that too... maybe thats why it looked to start out a little left, and Brian said it was a baby draw?
It looks so effortless. If I swung like that it seems like it would go 80 yards. :(


Since this has been posted I've probably watched the swing a 100 times... maybe more!

I agree 100%. It always blows me away how... 'quiet' a good ball striker can seem. Conversely you can see strong guys on the range that look like they would be hammering a ball 300 yards, but are barely hitting 200.

Mike's swing has some elements that I notice in a lot of professional "effortless" swings.

  • * Slow take away
    * Club comes down inside (drops to his bicep)
    * Right elbow drops to right hip
    * Shoulders and body are quiet until impact

It's pretty cool with these types of swings in how there at least appears to be very little effort... it's almost as if it is all stored until about 12" before impact.
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