Motivational audio

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Hey Wulsy, this coach may be looking for players:p--but, DIII gives no scholarships

I had a junior college baseball coach that would go off that way all the time. Made you feel one inch tall. My dad was that way as I was growing up, so I was one of the few that could handle it.
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Has that "conditioning" been beneficial throughout your life generally?

Couldn't tell ya, as that was just the way it was. I certainly learned to cope with it and learned that I didn't like the feeling, so I avoid doing it to others. But, as with some people, I can do it to others very easily. It's pretty obvious it affects one's self esteem and self confidence.

I've figured the rants from people like that are merely from anger management issues with some degree of insecurity which I have learned to control due to not wanting be like that. I know a few people and relatives who will "blow up" like that, so I simply limit my interactions with them because it gets to taking too much effort to not break their nose as I was one of little words, but would act.


New member
Thank you for sharing. I guess I find that kind of thing fascinating because the bullying authority figure (parent, coach, educator, etc.) is usually intent, at the core, to really help the other person but somehow frustration, lack of control, and whatever else gets mixed up and the output of that whole concoction is something that's both destructive to the person trying to help and the person getting helped. Somewhat paradoxical, like much of life. Thanks again for sharing that.
In my experience with my father and the baseball coach, they were absolutely doing what they did to get better results out of me/players. It was the only way they knew how to express themselves in certain situations and unfortunately would let anger take over. Now, others I have had experience with were simply expressing their insecurities as bullies, like you said. I have coached high school baseball and teach high school and it is a whole lot easier motivating the baseball players because they want to be there and are truly not trying to play bad. Some students on the other hand, actually put more effort into failing than it would be to pass. Motivating people is tricky.
Hey spk, that's pretty scary. Is that common in College Sports in the US?

The college coach, as you say, is probably a victim of that kind of abuse/behaviour himself and has no other way of dealing with his embarrassment. He feels like a failure himself and wants/needs to blame it on the kids. To be fair to him at least he didn't single anyone out and didn't resort to any personal insults. Most kids will just let it pass over them like water off a ducks back and think that the guy is just a tit who can't handle it, but it's worrying to think that maybe one or two will be emotionally hurt by this abusive talk.

My father was a bit like yours unfortunately and I try, like you, not to repeat it and have never spoke to my son in that way and never will. As a result my son is more confident and balanced than I ever was. The bizarre thing about this kind of behaviour is that had anyone else ever spoken to me like that my father would have attacked them. So I think it's right that he was sacked, because nothing good ever comes out of this kind of behaviour. I guess I am a Redneck after all.;)
Sometimes ranting is confused with attempt to get someone's attention and does not always go back to anger management/bullying. I think many times in "today's world" we have to catorgorize everything into a behavior issue when it just comes down to showing the seriousness of the content. Not all yelling coaches are trying to intimidate or demean people.

Disclaimer- this does not mean that Lindsey Newman supports or aligns himself in anyway to the above examples of bullying or self esteem related issues commonly associated with being an a-hole.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
It was funny but it wasn't funny. That guy has serious problems. I would've loved to be at their next practice, if he didn't get fired before that.
Nobody ripped it like Buddy Rich:

I tell you what, if I were in his band, I would be practicing my ass off just to know I had the stuff down pat so I didn't piss him off. In my mind, it's very beneficial to seek perfection. I am a little bit of a perfectionist myself, so I don't mind the "bullying". To me, it's called reminding me to do my job and do it well. For a D3 school, though...hmm...
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wulsy, no I don't think its too prevalent at American colleges at all. I was fortunate enough to play for a few other college coaches in season and over the summers who were nothing like that--one of them being an excellent coach, who had his moments, but was much more a "teacher" and "lets learn from that" kind of guy.

You bet your ass you tried your hardest to not draw the negative attention, but many would wilt and couldn't cope. That junior college team had about 30 try out, by the start of the season we were down to 12 without having a cut. I will say those 12 were many of the most mentally tough people I know and we missed going to the State Championship by one game. The pressure of the game situations was nothing compared to the pressure of performing well to avoid the rants. I was never involved in military boot camp, but one of those players was in the Army Reserves and he said many times "this is worse than Basic(training)".
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Coaching and parenting often share a character flaw; that being attempting to live vicariously through your children or players and have them perform at a level that dad or the coach never could. That rant is typical of a personal frustration from one who has berated himself similarly over many years. he sounds more concerned about his standing in the community than their welfare. Harvey Penick is turning in his grave...but probably not swearing!


New member
Coaching and parenting often share a character flaw; that being attempting to live vicariously through your children or players and have them perform at a level that dad or the coach never could. That rant is typical of a personal frustration from one who has berated himself similarly over many years. he sounds more concerned about his standing in the community than their welfare. Harvey Penick is turning in his grave...but probably not swearing!
Self 1 via the parent as educator role, classic.
Nobody ripped it like Buddy Rich:

I tell you what, if I were in his band, I would be practicing my ass off just to know I had the stuff down pat so I didn't piss him off. In my mind, it's very beneficial to seek perfection. I am a little bit of a perfectionist myself, so I don't mind the "bullying". To me, it's called reminding me to do my job and do it well. For a D3 school, though...hmm...

His temper got the shit kicked out of him a few times. Couldnt walk for a few days after a couple of Sinatra's friends "visited" him.


New member
His temper got the shit kicked out of him a few times. Couldnt walk for a few days after a couple of Sinatra's friends "visited" him.

(Itches nose)

Lemme order a couple of those martinis, extra dirty, if you knooo what I meannn...capiche!?!
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