New Hogan "Videos"

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Hogan fans, I'm not sure if this is old news for this site, but there is a new 3 DVD series on Hogan.

Invaluable new swing sequences of Hogan and some useful analyses, although naturally I don't agree with all of it. However, this is the best
on Hogan to date.

(google: The Ben Hogan Collection).
Thanks David.

I'd call myself a Hogan fan although I don't have a lot of the books etc.

Maybe I can ask SANTA for one of these DVD sets....
I don't agree with some of McLean's (sp) analyses. I mean, it's not wrong per se, it just is not quite the kind of instruction one needs if the goal is to try to swing like Hogan. However, his analyses are more detailed and better than his earlier Hogan video.

JM has golfing talent, why can't he swing like Hogan? I just don't think Hogan alone had the ability to swing that way.

So the problem is, more precise information is needed. That's why Leadbetter and all the other Hogan authors can't demonstrate it.

If they can't, how is the reader expected to?
and btw, the worst sin is these guys start deviating from what Hogan did. E.g., the start with "strengthening the grip"; supposedly better for the average golfer.

It is NOT better. Not if your goal is to emulate Hogan's swing. Change this and adapt have NO chance at that point.

The correct solution is to do EXACTLY what Hogan did. have a chance. No guarantees, but a decent chance...
and btw, the worst sin is these guys start deviating from what Hogan did. E.g., the start with "strengthening the grip"; supposedly better for the average golfer.

It is NOT better. Not if your goal is to emulate Hogan's swing. Change this and adapt have NO chance at that point.

The correct solution is to do EXACTLY what Hogan did. have a chance. No guarantees, but a decent chance...

Hi David,

On the demo of the DVD series JM talks about the lateral movement of Hogan's swing. Do you think Hogan did this on purpose or was it an effect of the direction he moved the club towards the ball?

It is not possible to "copy" Hogan's swing - literally to make yours look like his - unless your range of motion and build are sufficiently similar.

I for one simply canNOT get into some positions that he, Sergio, Wie, and other flexible golfers CAN. So forget it: I must copy the PRINCIPLES OF FORCE AND ALIGNMENT THAT WORK IN MY BODY. To maximize my own capabilities, not attempt to put square pegs in round holes.
The question is.......are the DVDs worth the price if you have the previous analysis? I have the Hogan analysis done my McLean before. Does this DVD edition add anything?

Just wondering before I break out the letter to Santa.
Do you think Wie can make her swing look like Woosnam? or would want to? Do you deny L.A.W.S?

Do you think two people built differently will look the same swinging with the exact same pattern of exertions?: the one with wide shoulders, a large chest, and short arms, the other with narrow shoulders, a slim chest, and long arms?
<Hi David,
On the demo of the DVD series JM talks about the lateral movement of Hogan's swing. Do you think Hogan did this on purpose or was it an effect of the direction he moved the club towards the ball?
Spike, sure it was on purpose.>

It's a consequence of his correctly employing the lower body. Of course, in some "swing" models, the movement of the upper body, arms and club moves the lower body laterally (although not as much).
I think LAWS is overhyped. People with different builds will not look the same even if accurately employing the same model, but the astute observer will see a similarity, but it depends upon the swing model and how far apart the persons are in ability, experience, and yes, body type.

Can you swing like elderly Hogan hitting a pitch? Sure. How about a half wedge? Sure. Full wedge? Maybe...for many, the answer could be "Yes!".
I just don't think Ben Hogan in his 70's was that strong physically. Where his strength was at that age was in his knowledge and experience.
Kevin, there are lots of new Hogan's swings & that alone justifies the price. If you're a serious Hogan fan, you'll have a lot to digest...
Thanks David. I will pick it up this weekend (we have a place in town with it in stock). I love watching him play and swing, even if I know I won't be able to emulate everything he does.


Is the Hogan stuff at not at the very least partly justified tho?

I want to know honestly what yall think BTW.

I realize it's easy for some of this stuff to get exaggerated...
I partially agree; a lot of the accolades in the Hogan videos are a bit syrupy.

My advice, don't believe everything you read about Hogan's swing/secrets.
And that includes a lot of what is in his own books. How things could get so messed up is a mystery in itself.

Still...that swing is the gold standard.
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