Radius tinkering

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Engineering a Better Golf Swing - Articles

Just snowed-in again, sitting by the fireplace with laptop and Bernard Darwin essays in hand

Even Mandrin mentions diminishing DS swing radius these days in his Magic thread

Have any of you fellow Interested Tinkerers (or Teachers) tried this?

I have a hard time understanding how it´s done without bending the lead arm Vardon style

Perhaps a small part of the foundation of a Never Short Again 1.0 pattern 2009?

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I have heard talk about this, but never enough explanation to truly understand. I believe both Mandrin and Deadly Scope have mentioned this. Maybe they will give us more details. Brian, is this part of snapping the kinetic chain?
I have heard talk about this, but never enough explanation to truly understand. I believe both Mandrin and Deadly Scope have mentioned this. Maybe they will give us more details...

... and in laymen's terms. I have yet to understand the explanations I've read concerning this.
Here's two things to clear this up.

1. The wrists are fully set in the downswing. Normally they are not fully set during a backswing.

2. The left arm is not compressed against the chest in the backswing. It should be compressed against the chest/pivot (turning body) in the downswing.

Both of these points shorten the radius and allow for greater speed in the downswing.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Here's two things to clear this up.

1. The wrists are fully set in the downswing. Normally they are not fully set during a backswing.

2. The left arm is not compressed against the chest in the backswing. It should be compressed against the chest/pivot (turning body) in the downswing.

Both of these points shorten the radius and allow for greater speed in the downswing.

"If you cant explain it in childlike terms, you dont understand it yourself."

Great explanation.
Cause or effect

Thanks, cmartin, I always enjoy and admire your thoughtful answers.

Nesbit in his 2005 article mentions the shortening of the swing radius as the cause of "delaying the outward club movement", ie less throwaway...

What makes this hard to understand for the layman is that the other end of the radius is not clearly defined...swing center...perhaps there is no such thing...ok between the upper shoulder blades...

Some other suggestions might be bending the lead arm, moving the lead shoulder up or toward the target...getting shorter in the DS...?

Concentrating just on your hand path and doing whatever shortens the radius...?

Manzellisms like TDO (Throw the drunk off) while maintaining your height and PTH (Puppy through the hoop) combined might shorten the radius considerably...?

I just sent an e-mail to Mr Nesbit and Mr McGinnis and asked for some advice how they do it in real life with their experimental golfers...

I look forward to Mandrin´s eventual future work regarding this, just another example of how sometimes you can benefit from things you don´t understand at all...
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Thanks, cmartin, I always enjoy and admire your thoughtful answers.

Nesbit in his 2005 article mentions the shortening of the swing radius as the cause of "delaying the outward club movement", ie less throwaway...

What makes this hard to understand for the layman is that the other end of the radius is not clearly defined...swing center...perhaps there is no such thing...ok between the upper shoulder blades...

This is where I was getting confused. I was never clear on exactly what the radius was a measurement of.

This is where I was getting confused. I was never clear on exactly what the radius was a measurement of.

imo, left shoulder joint to the clubhead with the hands being the only hinge.

I'm sure we can confuse matters and ad the bending left elbow as a hinge, but why bother. Although it happens(ed) with some great strikers, it's something that I would stay away from trying or coaching...
imo, left shoulder joint to the clubhead with the hands being the only hinge.

That's what I always thought, but reading the articles about shortening it to increase speed/power lead me to believe they're talking about something different. I dunno.

I'm sure we can confuse matters and ad the bending left elbow as a hinge, but why bother. Although it happens(ed) with some great strikers, it's something that I would stay away from trying or coaching...

I would probably stay away from it for the purposes of regular play, as I'm longer than average and would improve my score looking for consistency rather than length. But since I'm planning to try my hand at long drive, I'm looking into anything that relates to more power/speed :)

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