Seve Ballsteros Tricks

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I don't believe so.

A “stroke’’ is the forward movement of the club made with the intention of striking at and moving the ball, but if a player checks his downswing voluntarily before the clubhead reaches the ball he has not made a stroke.

There is no forward movement of the club and there is no "striking" of the ball. So this would be an illegal stroke.
They must really play slow in their home course for him to have all the time to practice that..I only practice juggling when waiting for a flight to finish up on the fairway or green..=)

excellent skills though..I would be more impressed with someone who shoots even though..hehehe
for seve i thing that would be an illegal putt..there is a rule that the ball has to be struck and not pushed or scooped..i just don't know what rule it is..=)
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