Simply amazing

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That story is simply amazing. What kind of character does that show to be able to overcome all the things he must have faced in his life?

He brings the term "pivot" to a whole other level. Congrats to Butch!
Now there's a Champion

Thank you for sharing this amazing video about an even more amazing man. I immediately saved it amoung my "favorites" that I will watch on those "feeling sorry for me" days. There are just so many inspiring people in this world, unfortunately they mostly go unnoticed. Thanks again for reminding me and many others to never say quit.


If you need another for your favorites search YouTube for Jimmy V's ESPY speech.
One of my personal favorites.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Drag loading, circle path, sweep relaese adds the right shoulder at the correct moment, max participation pivot and feels it on his PP#3! Wow what a proceedure. Inspirational.
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