The Forgotten Video......"Over and Out"

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Just wanted to reiterate how great and simple this video is. I've adopted Brian's preferred method (take normal grip, THEN open your hands) to hit most of my bunker shots, with great success. Granted, I was never a BAD bunker player, but this method has simplified my bunker game a lot.

Just to give you an idea of how simple it is to teach: I have a friend that generates a lot of clubhead speed, and can really hit some beautiful shots, but he "throws" or flips at the bottom, sometimes severely. In other words, he's really good at timing the flip. Needless to say, his bunker game is hopeless with such a flip, and it costs him several strokes a round. He often took three shots to get out of a bunker.

After we finished a round, I spent about five minutes showing him Brian's basic method, and he hit some freakin' fantastic bunker shots. Sure, he still flipped at a few, but he has a much better understanding of what to do now. The look on his face absolutely said it all. It's like he couldn't believe that something that was supposedly so tricky was actually one of the simplest shots to pull off. It was like he discovered bounce for the first time ever.

I showed the same basic method to the other member of our normal threesome the week before that, and he had absolutely the same reaction. Hit some amazing shots, and was baffled at how easy it was.

I think this video is SEVERELY UNDERRATED. If I can watch this video and teach the principles to a few friends of mine in about five minutes, Brian is obviously on to something. Just thought I'd share.
I have been using this as my basic bunker method since getting the video this summer. I have gotten so good out of the sand that my playing partners groan when I hit it in the bunker. It is so easy to hit good shots out of the bunker with this method.
I like this method better than turning the face, then taking the grip. I feel like I know where the face is a lot better. I might try it in the full swing this year in order to manipulate ball flight (I think I tried it before, but I can't remember).
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