The Future

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Paul Bertholy

As a teacher I Would hope the next great breakthrough would be in learning. Information delivery in addition to technology. How can we continue to make progress in teaching and learning. All the new systems are educating us teachers as what to do and what not, but how we communicate that better. Men are still 18s, ladies are still 28s and so on. Mike Hebron suggests a paradigm shift in the approach to teaching. He suggests that bad learning environments are the culprit? Not trying to derail ur thread here Oliver, just sayin...

PGA Master Teacher Paul Bertholy used to say that the greatest ruination of the golf swing was playing golf and that the greatest ruination of learning the golf swing was premature ball bashing. So for Paul, the learning environment was very important.

Old Tom
My guess us in the next 10 years we will

The really new thing will be that a little 'hat' and some other sensors around the body which will be able to measure brain and muscle activity and that can be used to see what muscles are fired when and where.

And with all this technology the average handicap will go down by 0 strokes;-)

Using EEG you can see which muscles are being fired, only problem you would have to attach them all over the body.

And the second point is spot on.
I imagine a piece of technology that looks like a wet suit the golfer would wear it and it would move the golfer into correct positions to enable them to strike good golf shots. The suit would be able to be customised to each golfer's body proportions, flexibility, strength level etc to produce a movement that is ideal for them. The golfer would undergo some sort of assessment before using the suit and a computer would analyse the results and alter the way the suit works. The golfer would practice in the suit and then try to replicate the swing for real without it.
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