Thinning irons

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Suddenly out of nowwhere, got a case of the thins.
Anyone have a fix? Cause?
I realize it could be a spine angle change doing this but it doesn't feel like anything is moving any differently compared when I have been hitting crisp irons until today.
I'm perplexed.
Ball would be too far forward Birdie...:) ...a thin is generally the same as a fat shot apart from the height of the sole of the club as it approaches the ball....
Flatpro...are you forward pivoting fully?...walk thro drill usually cures this
Ya I guess that could do er too........I was just thinking that sometimes I'll thin em a bit if the ball is too far back. More like too much delofting/a couple grooves too low on the face rather than a full-out blade.
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Hi Guys
What is the walk thro drill?

Made "famous" by Gary Player..
Quite simply it is that you take a step with your right foot down the fairway after contacting the ball, in other words "walk" after the ball......
So: Hit-Step....
The intent of doing this makes you turn more fully, and it cures the fats (generally)...
Ya I guess that could do er........I was just thinking that sometimes I'll thin em a bit if the ball is too far back. More like too much delofting/a couple grooves too low on the face rather than a full-out blade.

Perehaps your body senses the ball is too far back and flips....

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
My top reasons for thinners:

- swing too far right (inside/out)
- "hang back" on the downswing which leads too....
- a flip
- trying to get the hands TOO FAR foward
- swaying towards the target on the downswing

I'd say that i could group over 75% of thinners into the above list. Figure out which one is you and do the opposite :)
Perehaps your body senses the ball is too far back and flips....

Naw it's not a flip. It's more like what Jim says:

"trying to get the hands TOO FAR forward."

Like I said this happens to me every once in a while.........mostly with wedges when I put weight forward (and ball maybe too far back) and try to punch a low one.

Not a pure blade (hitting the ball on it's equator with the leading edge) but more like a couple grooves thin + too much delofting.
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Somebody help!

I`m a swayer,how can I stop swaying in front of the ball with out someone saying to stop swaying?...joe

I like joeparr am afflicted with the electric slide, can anyone offer help on stopping this, besides don't. Not only can that move cause thins it can cause you to flip it at the bottom, body knows you are ahead of the ball.:mad:
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