Ulner nerve problems

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I'm six months into an ulnar nerve induced layoff, without it getting much better. The doc is now calling it cubital tunnel syndrome and suggesting I think about surgery to move the nerve. Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? Thanks.
If you haven't already, I would suggest obtaining an NCV/EMG to help pinpoint where exactly the impingement is coming from.


Yup. Had that done, worked out great. My docs were warning that we could only wait so long before irreversible atrophy would happen. We waited, I did various regimens but nothing improved it. So probably near 1.5-2 months after the event had the surgery to 'release' the nerve, and within days the feelings/control were coming back. I only had to delay golf at my discretion if there was pain (from the incision). So I'm sure after a month (maybe 2 weeks) I was out there trying full bore. Good luck!
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