Vijay's New Takeaway

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"On every swing, I think about swinging my hands into my right hip pocket - way more inside than I used to."

I think I have heard this someplace..cant' remember where....:rolleyes:
Yeah, I saw that article. One has to read something while flying.

The description of the new backswing and why it works sounded like something lifted directly from watching the SD video.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
The new takeaway for VJ is a double edge sword for him imo because the soft drawish takeaway will help fix his past few seasons of trying to be like the "laid off fad" swingers and the SD backswing will help. However one of VJ's biggest issues is swinging waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too inside out and a SD backswing does allow you to swing in/out so he has to be careful or else he can get an easy case of the snappers
Still can't believe the guy uses a 7 degree open driver...

Everyone always says (I am sure I have said it more than once and mostly am results-based) "whatever works", "don't screw with success", etc........

Don't get me wrong the guy (very) obviously has a great game and a great swing.....and there is much weirder and un-optimum stuff out there...

But he has been erratic over the years. Obviously is as talented as always, etc.

I can't help but wonder if some of these guys are "leaving something out there."


Or maybe it just proves how many ways you can play great golf?

S-MAS: " Forum junkies play golf swing! Champions play golf."

I still believe in "Holy Grail seeking" (and I am talking about true improvement...not some kind of cheap insta-cure) for a large part.

(even if it may sound absurd to some)
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