What do I do now?

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I'm stuck. Not necessarily in the technical sense. Just in the sense of not knowing what to do.

I haven't had a lesson for a while, and this is the first time I've seen my swing on video for a few years. Frankly, I'm not sure what to make of it.

I knew that I had a tendency to swing in to out. Bad shots are hooks and big blocks, and sometimes fat with the short irons. Divots NEVER go left.

I can see that my head moves up and back on the BS - flattening my turn. I'm sure I could "fix" that - but not sure to what end. Also a bit of an upper body lunge through the ball - possible flexibility issue as mine is poor. The other thing I see from DTL is steep shoulders at impact and a high, above the plane follow through. I'm not sure whether or how or what to do anything about that.

Any thoughts?

SteveT - I know you like to see swings au naturel, so I'll apologise in advance for the full waterproofs. If you don't feel able to comment here, I'll understand.:)

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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
For one thing, I dont think those reverse hips are helping. Not much, if any, weight has been taken out of the front foot.
Thanks for the input Kevin. Believe it or not, those swings were actually made with a bit of lateral movement in mind! I was at the range again last night working on trying to get more weight right and almost a feel of the hips shuttling out right from under my head.

It felt quite awkward and ballstriking wasn't great over 30 - 40 reps - but then I didn't have any video feedback to see if I was over- or under-doing it.

I'll put some more work into this when I can rig a camera up to check on my progress.
Looks like a big steer move to me. You may be confused with trying to swing along the target line. A better release action would put you in a whole new world. How you would get that would take some doing. Maybe some aiming point work. Catch rain with left hand.

Not that Im an expert or anything.
It looks to me that alot of your problems are coming from your hips. You come up out of your posture at the top of your swing and never really get back down and that makes it almost impossible to make the proper hip turn in the downswing. If it was me I would work on "sitting down" more...All in all its a nice move you have and I am sure you can play some good golf with what your doing now but if your looking for more consistency...., that's my opinion anyway.


No problemo ... your head is naked and in the back view it seems to be bobbing up in the backswing, dipping in the downswing and then coming up quickly .... which may destabilize your unseen spinal angle. Do you see it too?

In the face-on view the problem doesn't seem to show up ... wonder why..?!

Btw ... something wrong with your youtube link ...:eek:
It looks to me that alot of your problems are coming from your hips. You come up out of your posture at the top of your swing and never really get back down and that makes it almost impossible to make the proper hip turn in the downswing. If it was me I would work on "sitting down" more...All in all its a nice move you have and I am sure you can play some good golf with what your doing now but if your looking for more consistency...., that's my opinion anyway.

Matt - thanks for the thoughts. I agree about coming out of posture. I've always assumed that this was an issue with me lifting my upper body out of alignment. My head has always had that up and down move, and I've always assumed that trying to fix it with more knee flex would be a bit of a cheap fix and a bit of a cheat.

By "sitting down more" I take you mean on the way to the top? Not to derail my own thread - but there are SnT swingers who are deliberately straightening their rear leg without raising their heads and shoulders like I do.
No problemo ... your head is naked and in the back view it seems to be bobbing up in the backswing, dipping in the downswing and then coming up quickly .... which may destabilize your unseen spinal angle. Do you see it too?

In the face-on view the problem doesn't seem to show up ... wonder why..?!

Btw ... something wrong with your youtube link ...:eek:

LOL - that's actually a pretty snug hat, not green hair!

Agree with the bobbing. I see it in the FO too, it's definitely not a freak of the DTL footage.

I'm going to work on Kevin's suggestion of getting the hips back. I think, if I do that, it might be easier for me to get "a bit" of left spine tilt going on that might in turn keep my head at a better level.

Can't find link. Just takes me to you tube general page.

I'm not sure why this is happening. It does the same to me - but if I minimise the youtube page, the video plays OK embedded in the thread itself.

If anyone knows what I might have done wrong re youtube, please shout.
By coming up out of your posture you are changing the angle your hips are set at and the right hip is too high in the downswing and that makes everything else off. To get an idea of what I am talking about, get into your address position and simply turn your right hip into impact position and then get back into your golf posture and raise up some like you do at the top of the swing and turn your right hip. Can you see the difference in your right hip position? By getting into the classic sit down position you will get your hips back where they belong. Personally I prefer getting into the sit down position in the transition but it can vary as where you do it. Go to youtube and watch some Hogan videos and watch how his hips work, his hip action in my opinion is the best ever.
ok then,how about some high speed videos?Thats the whole idea of getting a casio.

sorry man - just foolin'. Don't adjust your set. I don't have a casio and amn't about to get one this side of christmas - much as I'd like to. (However did we manage before?) What I will do is see if I can't upload something higher resolution. I'm learning this as I go and my mac didn't really offer any compression options between what I put up and full video quality, which I wasn't sure would stream well.

Let me see if I can fix it somewhat.


sorry man - just foolin'. Don't adjust your set. I don't have a casio and amn't about to get one this side of christmas - much as I'd like to. (However did we manage before?) What I will do is see if I can't upload something higher resolution. I'm learning this as I go and my mac didn't really offer any compression options between what I put up and full video quality, which I wasn't sure would stream well.

Let me see if I can fix it somewhat.

It's not about resolution although of course the higher the better.For accurate analysis,you want fast shutter speed so that when you freeze frame a part of your swing,it will be clear and not blurry.

I advance the video , it goes to Y tube , I click shut. Video plays

I am interested in club, distance , pattern. Generally what is ball doing.

That swing looks good to me. So your divots are not left? What's happening and what do you want to happen.

I'd be concerned that the tips will mess you up as much as help.
"More sitting down"

Agree. I had your problem and resisted more knee bend/sit down
but like you balance was compromised and lots of up and down. For me standing
up was a way to maintain balance caused by bad posture.
To get stable and swinging into the heels both up and down and powering the hips
required what felt like a lot more knee bend and butt jutting.

Feels weak at first and requires repetition.

Items Needed:
One Range Bucket upside down

Put your left foot on the bucket
Knees Square
Weight Inside Your right Foot
Stand Tall
Stay Tall
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