What do Rod Serling and Tiger Woods have in common?

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While “Denny Crane” sits in the window seat of an airplane in flight, he peers through the window and sees an eerie figure on the wing trying to rip the engine off the plane. For unexplained reasons, only “Mr. Wilson” sees this. He is branded as crazy or the equivalent and treated as such until the wing section is examined to find the reality of Wilson’s sanity.

So what does this have to do with Tiger? Well, maybe nothing. Both are good stories and each has its own element of the Zone.

Maybe the zone is just a phenomenon; maybe it’s just another tale from Rod. We've all been there before to some extent. Entering the zone can make the cup appear to be a large Folgers can and the fairways three football fields wide. It can make a basketball hoop larger than the opening of a garbage can. It can last for that hole, for several or more. But the greats have a way to repeat it over and over again.

One of the greats whom we saw do it for most of his career is Michael Jordan. Just ask Craig Ehlo and the shot we’ve seen repeatedly to beat the Cavaliers to advance in the playoffs. Remember Jordan holding his hands about chest high and palms upwards with a crackling smile while jogging up the court as he cans another three point shot against the Trailblazers in the finals? And Bryon Russell can’t believe that Jordon just juked him (with a slight push) to can another winner against Utah.

The ability to find that psychological place, the “happy” place, the focus, to step up for the moment to make that putt on the 18th green when it really counts and all else failed to that moment, only a few can accomplish this under extraordinary circumstances. The mere mortals, who can repeatedly find another level of consciousness and with it a bit of immortality, will discover that Rod is alive and well.
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