When I met OZtrainee and tongzilla in Hong Kong…

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I am a few months old baby to TGM but a 35 years guy picked up the game for nearly 4 years without a single lesson with coach. I hacked the golf channel, golf digest, Leadbetter’s DVD… with little success but i realized that TGM must be the ultimate answer to golf. However, I am an art student during school and don’t know anything about physic and geometry. Thanks to the web that I have got so many great video from Brain, Lynn, as well as Peter Coker. However, so much differences between all great teachers regarding TGM have been discussed: Hands control pivot; pivot control hands; pivot powered hands control pivot; single ball position vs club design; swinging vs hitting…..and a long list.

Thanks to the web again let me get knows an AI in Hong Kong, Kenny recently and then met tongzilla in driving range while he returned for summer holiday this week.

I witnessed a pro looking golf swing of Ken and tongzilla. Since I have chance to see Leo hitting ball at range, I asked myself a question:- How come he hit the ball so effortless but super-long and straight (the distance sign is 200 yards with a 7-iron).

I compare my swing with Leo and found out some main differences.

Posture – I always stand too upright, as Brain said in the video :- maybe afraid of hitting to the ground…
Left arm – Arms always too tight and difficult to swivel back to the plane.
Downswing – can’t feel the lag!!!

Thereafter, I went to the range again and using Brain’s method to address the ball so that more bent form the hip and than with impact fix to determine the correct distance from the ball, loosen my arms, little bit extensor action, right forearm pick up, bring my right hand to turned shoulder plane; focus on pivot take my hands to impact hands location, vertical hinge, and finally finish swivel….and the result is surprised to me!! Loooooong and straight. I felt that the ball was being compressed and the sound is different.

But I still have problem to swivel back toward the plane after follow-through. I saw in my video that the shaft was way above the plane (very upright) after follow-through. Any drill to achieve this?

Anyway, I knew that was a huge improvement in my whole golf swing and I have to thanks to Ken and Leo for generous help.
KOC you are a keen student willing to put in the effort to improve your game :).

Your ball flight is pretty when you get it right, but we still need to get rid of the leakage. And don't get too wound up about the technicalities of the book! Keep practicing how to wallop the ball with a towel.


KOC said:
But I still have problem to swivel back toward the plane after follow-through. I saw in my video that the shaft was way above the plane (very upright) after follow-through. Any drill to achieve this?


Try to forget the target and focus on swinging the clubhead through the ball - down, out, up and in.

The club is swung on an inclined plane, on an arc, and the ball is just collected and propelled forwards in the process. DO NOT TRY TO STEER IT TO THE TARGET.

A drill - forward therapy: On your backswing you will, no doubt, be trying to achieve a 90* shoulder and 45* degree hip turn.

For the drill, do the same on the follow through but start from a static impact position and just make the forward swing to a full finish. Repeat the process until it becomes natural to you.


I won tongzilla...

First of all, i would like to express my happiness as i got 4 birdies in last round which is my new record. It ended up 85 as i hit a few shoot straight right to the water. At the same time, my first putt was always 3 feet +/- passed/short of the hole and ended up with three-putts! Anyway, chipping was great as I did it with what Brain’s video teaches as well as what Leo demonstrated to me – get set and pivot through the ball.

Yesterday night then, I invited Leo to a Driving range with lots of folks don’t know what is TGM, they saw Leo’s swing and everyone was looking scare! With the SwingVision computer device, 300 yards Driver distance with centre direction…..

How about me? I forgot about swinging. I knew that I am a HITter, so I focused on right shoulder down plane and drive my right forearm. I won a game for target oriented iron play over Leo and firends…Most importantly, I was so sure that those shoots were the most powerful shoots I ever made. Both distance and direction was great.

Finally, Leo showed me some putting and I am sure less 3-putt will be made.

Thanks Leo, thanks TGM, and of course all Brian's great videos.

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