How do you eliminate leakage?

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gotta couple of questions:

in some recent threads you say that one way to eliminate a flip is to swing in a way that the ball goes left if you have any leakage. if i hit leakage hooks, would working on a straight line delivery path from a twistaway be one way to do this? if so, do you advise this?

also is this the manzella way to hit a draw and fade? i did a search for it, but to no avail. if i remember correctly it was:

five yard draw/fade: target is A, clubface five yards right/left at B, swing ten yards right/left to C...ball starts at B and turns to A


Brian Manzella

Golf's Answer Man.

In some recent threads you say that one way to eliminate a flip is to swing in a way that the ball goes left if you have any leakage.

Yes, I did say that. And yes, it is one way to do it.

Take the REWARD AWAY for leaking it.

Lots of folks who leak it, and know they aren't supposed to, do it becuase they hit it BETTER leaking it!

If i hit leakage hooks, would working on a straight line delivery path from a twistaway be one way to do this?

It would.

But remember! Leakage—CLubhead Throwaway—is something you do.

So, one way NOT to "do it," would be "not doing it."

Trust me. It you learn to make the grip end of the club point down the plane line before impact, and after impact, with your left thumb under in the after impact "point," if you leak it, you'll hook it.

So.....then....the REWARD would be gone.

To hit it straight, you just keep up with it (lag).

What Is "the manzella way" to hit a draw and fade?


If you want the ball to start at "B" and fade to "C," you aim and swing at "A" with the clubface pointing at "B" at separation.

If you want the ball to start at "D" and draw to "C," you aim and swing at "F" with the clubface pointing at "D" at separation.
Hi Brian

Sorry about being thick:confused: but could you explain what you mean with this statement

"Trust me. It you learn to make the grip end of the club point down the plane line before impact, and after impact, with your left thumb under in the after impact "point," if you leak it, you'll hook it".

Yes, I did say that. And yes, it is one way to do it.

Take the REWARD AWAY for leaking it...

To hit it straight, you just keep up with it (lag).

Could one way to accomplish this be setting up with a closed clubface, then trying to hit it straight? Or would that introduce bad things into the swing?

Brian Manzella


Could one way to accomplish this be setting up with a closed clubface, then trying to hit it straight? Or would that introduce bad things into the swing?

You could do it with a closed face, but, most folks just swing further inside-out with one.


Hi Brian

Sorry about being thick:confused: but could you explain what you mean with this statement

"Trust me. It you learn to make the grip end of the club point down the plane line before impact, and after impact, with your left thumb under in the after impact "point," if you leak it, you'll hook it".


I think one way to describe it would be: to approach impact with the club on the correct plane and the grip end pointing at the target line, then follow through with horizontal hinge, and full swivel.
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Brian Manzella

Pretty Good....

I think one way to describe it would be: to approach impact with the club on the correct plane and the grip end pointing at the target line, then follow through with horizontal hinge, and full swivel.

Only thing I change from that is: ....grip end pointing down the PLANE line...
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