Does adding weight to a TM R7 460 Increase distance?

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Guys just baught an r7 460 with a graffalloy Xstiff shaft. Would like to know if anyone has upgraded the weights and what kind of success they have had. Also where can the weights above 14 grams be purchased.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Do the weights themselves increase distance? No.

Could changing the weights possibly change the way you swing the club and/or the spin rates and launch angles? Yes.

That will effect distance.
I know this is for MGA guys to post in....but I thought I should post that....

...I just read somewhere that TM doesn't recommend anything above 14 in any of their heads......anything higher than 14 increases risk to bust the head too much.

(this is why TM doesn't MAKE them- u have to buy the heavier weights from other companies)
Guys just baught an r7 460 with a graffalloy Xstiff shaft. Would like to know if anyone has upgraded the weights and what kind of success they have had. Also where can the weights above 14 grams be purchased.

Increasing the head weight should make the shaft play weaker and therefore maybe give you more distance but with less accruracy.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Increasing the head weight should make the shaft play weaker and therefore maybe give you more distance but with less accruracy.

the absolute most heavier weights could change the flex of a shaft would be in the 2-3cpm range maybe and if so that isn't even half a flex.
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