Recent content by davel

  1. D

    making golf a simple game part one

    No doubt golf is a difficult game !!! I would like to address what I think are problems and get the advice of professionals and amateurs on attacking these issues. Personally I do not have a clue of what the answers are. I will keep it simple as possible and describe 3 generic faults and how you...
  2. D

    Looking to get a little bit more shaft lean ( brian manzella)

    Looking to get a little bit more shaft lean ( brian manzella) video posted! Brian Have been constantly been working on my swing and getting no where until I went back to all the fundamentals of a good grip , good posture and a good takeaway. On video for the first time I saw reduced head...
  3. D

    3/4 Backswing

    In watching the better amateur senior golfers they tend to have a 3/4 backswing with a full shoulder turn and full wrist angle. They then have a beautiful pivot through the ball. Their swings look simple, have minimal motions and total control. I do not notice any lack of distance. Is there a...
  4. D

    Sergios Swing

    Brian Back to learn more golf. In the critque of Tigers swing one of the elements that you did not like was the laid off position at the top and it did not work for him. Now sergio is pretty close to the same laid off position. Now one difference is Sergio I think is using a strong grip while...
  5. D

    rhe push

    Brian Just received the never slice again video and iit is up to your standards . Really Good! It is interesting your twistaway is as I understand it is the preferred takeaway for hitters. I have done that at times in the past but would have trouble with the plane or I would over do it and get...
  6. D

    Posture relating to plane

    I have been struggling between using a right forearm pickup which usually results in zero pivot to a flat shoulder plane takeaway which is too below the plane. I do stand upright to the ball and the ball is very close which when I look down I can not use that pivot and come down on the ball...
  7. D

    Special setup for the disabled etc.

    I am a rear leg aboveknee amputee. I am in the process of trying to decide between swinging and hitting and adjustments needed to be made because of the limitations of the mechanical leg. It doesn't take to much rocket science to realized that my swing has to be mostly upperbody with a a little...