Sergios Swing

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Back to learn more golf. In the critque of Tigers swing one of the elements that you did not like was the laid off position at the top and it did not work for him. Now sergio is pretty close to the same laid off position. Now one difference is Sergio I think is using a strong grip while Tiger is using a weak grip. What is Sergio doing to make his swing work and in Tigers swing not work in what is generally considered a position not good at the end of the backswing? My guess is axis tilt and when I looked at my videos to get down to the ball my head would go down as I dropped my right shoulder more than I should have.

Could you explain how a golfer gets in the laid off position and the correction. My swing was is that position and when I tried to get the swing more upright I could not pivot. Finally today I changed my posture adding more spine angle which let me pivot yet still get my swing more upright and hitting the ball on the sweet spot. Is this one solution to correcting the problem? Now if I could only hit it furthur. Confessions got me to hit my short clubs furthur but the long clubs seem to bottom out on speed. Well thats another topic.

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