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  1. F

    Ray Cook Putting System

    Anybody ever tried the Ray Cook Putting System? Is it worth it? Advantages and disadvantages of the system? Anybody using it in their practice, and if so, how? Anything related to this putting system is highly appreciated Thanks
  2. F

    Putting Imperative

    I know that putting is such an individual thing, but if you guys - Mr Manzella and Co - were to point out some putting imperatives, what would those be? And - most importantly - how would you go about practicing them? Drill suggestions are highly appreciated (especially indoor drills are most...
  3. F

    Slide Problem...Drills thanks

    How do I stop the slide I take into impact? Drills to overcome that problem are hugely appreciated. If you see any other swing faults (with drills/fixes to overcome them), I'd be glad to hear of them as well. Thanks
  4. F

    My swing...take a look...-:)

    Well, I'm gonna go with the flow and have my swing posted here. Here's some information on my game, which might or might not help in the evaluation of my swing: Misses: Tend to go straight line left (pull) Distance: 170-175 m (6 iron) Divots: Point a wee left. So if any of you experts in here...
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    Video link...?

    Ok, I paid for the "Confession of a former flipper" online video link. Properly stupid question: but where and how do I download it?
  6. F

    Pivot and grip

    Well, I just read the articles Brian has written on pivot turn and the grip, but have some difficulties fully understanding them. Therefore, I have posted an image of my grip and a video of my assumption of the pivot turn, so experts outthere could tell me if that's what is meant by grip and...
  7. F

    Swing evaluation

    I've taken the chance to upload my swing on this board hoping someone would comment on it. So if anyone can point out any faults in my swing and suggest sulutions to overcome these faults, it'd be highly appreciated.