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  1. tongzilla

    Ben Doyle and swing methods

    This came popped into my head the other day and I'd like to share my thoughts with you guys. One swing pattern isn't for everybody, no matter how optimal or biomechanically correct it is. Hope we’re on the same page for that by now. However, for those one swing pattern teachers out there...
  2. tongzilla

    clubfitting: longer shaft for irons necessary?

    Was messing around at the range and just so happened there was a Ping fitting thing going on. I hit a few 7 irons and apparently the guy said my iron shafts need to be 0.5 to 1 inch longer than standard. I am not sure if it's sales talk trying to get me buy a new set or what. I'm 6'0" with...
  3. tongzilla

    Components of hitting up

    With a driver, how much of the hitting up (i.e. positive attack angle) should be actual hitting up (if the shaft was dead stiff/straight), and how much from the shaft deflection?
  4. tongzilla

    quick trackman numbers question

    club path = 16.9 deg face angle = -4.9 deg Question: is it possible for spin axis to be only -1.1 deg? please help me understand, because I would think if your path is so far to the right and your face is that closed relative to the path, you will hook it by a lot more.
  5. tongzilla

    using the right amount of right arm at the right time

    So we're meant to push with the right arm around mid-way down the downswing (club vertical to ground, face-on view) for full power. How are you meant to time this? Is it more of a gradual thrust or sudden push? Also, after experimenting a bit with this, I figured to achieve consistency (in...
  6. tongzilla

    Use THIS camera

    Not believing what you guys are saying until you prove it with this camera: BBC News - MIT's trillion frames per second light-tracking camera
  7. tongzilla

    More optimal to aim straight and hit straight?

    Let me explain... We know the plane line needs to be aimed left to hit the ball straight if you are hitting down. My question is, is there scientific evidence to suggest that it's more natural/optimal for humans in general to hit a pull, therefore we can just aim straight and hit it...
  8. tongzilla

    Ideas about the release => high ball flight

    I tried the suggestions in the subject video and I'm finding my ball flight to be too high. Anyone experiencing similar problems and any solutions?
  9. tongzilla

    Good simple golf

    Can we just use the same ball position (ala Nicklaus) and aim square at the target for all full swings and have a straight ball flight at the flag without and weird compensations? This is the way golf should be played (or the way I want to play it haha). See ball, aim ball at target, hit ball at...
  10. tongzilla

    Early turn vs late turn

    Assuming you end up in the same top of the backswing position, what's the difference between turning the shoulders and arms in one piece vs using the arms to turn the shoulders?
  11. tongzilla

    Using D plane for British Open style link courses

    Everyone talks about the need to be able to play low flying AND low spinning shots. So how is that achieved vis-a-vis the D plane?
  12. tongzilla

    Taking the grip

    This thread is not about grip types! Do you guys take the grip with the club in the air while walking to the ball ala Tiger Woods? Or do you take the grip with the club grounded? What's the "best" way?
  13. tongzilla

    teaching 9 year old novice

    I know I know...keep it fun and keep it simple... But practically, where should I start? Chipping, full swing or putting? Start with drills or go to hitting balls straight away? How much time should I spend getting the grip perfect? etc etc...
  14. tongzilla

    Rory's swing flatter?

    I noticed he's swinging even flatter than before during this year's Masters... He's driving it better than ever though. Just looks a bit flat to me.
  15. tongzilla

    effect of driver length and shaft weight on distance

    assuming you hit it on the sweetspot everytime, how much difference in distance does a 43" driver make compared to 45"? If you switched from a 60g shaft to a 100g shaft, how much difference in distance would that make?
  16. tongzilla

    my swing for iPhone TWF, Shotzoom launch official Tiger Woods: My Swing for iPhone
  17. tongzilla

    Awareness and concentration during the swing

    I am not talking about swing thoughts here. So please don't talk about that in this thread. I am interested in the degree of awareness and concentration you guys have during the swing. Do you just step up and hit without giving a shit or do you try really hard (trying hard does not necessarily...
  18. tongzilla

    How to shallow out angle of attack

    What are some good ways to shallow out one's angle of attack? I hit the ball too high for my liking and I'm pretty sure it's not because I flip it.
  19. tongzilla

    help with choosing driver loft

    I want to get the new Titleist D3 driver. Which loft should I choose? I see McIlroy using 8.5 deg and Adam Scott using 10.5 deg although their clubhead speed is pretty similar. I don't have Trackman.
  20. tongzilla

    Watched McIlroy at UBS Open

    I followed Rory McIlroy and Simon Dyson in the final round of the UBS open in HK today. I also watched Rory practice on the range before the round. He seemed easy going and carefree joking and talking to his caddy. I'm a bit of a McIlroy fan, and I would like to talk about his ball striking. He...