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  1. lia41985

    Thank God for Brian's Recent YouTube...

    ...because while it's wonderful for us to argue about what really happens (in a scientific sense) it's becoming less of a golfer-friendly (info that's readily useable by a golfer) forum.
  2. lia41985

    The Importance of Visual Learning in Sports

    Brian still hasn't presented arguments opposing my view that learning by watching videos and looking at pictures is an excellent, proven over the course of history, way to learn the game. Tiger watched footage and studied pictures. Daly studied Nickalus cartoons. Why is visual learning...
  3. lia41985

    Impact: Forward Leaning Shaft vs. Flat Left Wrist

    Is it alright if you have a forward leaning shaft but a bent left wrist at impact? I have a fairly strong left hand grip (3 knuckles visible with mid-body hands, left side of head in line with back of ball, ball one inch inside of left heel on all shots except driver which has ball at left heel)...
  4. lia41985

    YouTube of the young Nickalus's powerful pivot

    See holeout's post below.
  5. lia41985

    Miguel Angel Jimenez YouTube Slo-Mo

    uEpMd96-Hc4&NR Looks like a beautiful golf swing. Powerful pivot. On-plane delivery. Swings left. What do you all think? He always seems to be hanging around on the first couple of pages of the leaderboard at the majors.
  6. lia41985

    Ian Baker Finch's Comments about Tiger and Haney
  7. lia41985

    Lia's Swing Sequence Collection

    Tiger Woods (circa 2007 Doral, Final Round) Tiger won this event. Here's a driver swing sequence: Parallel planes?
  8. lia41985

    Tiger's 2nd Round @ the PGA

  9. lia41985

    Johan Edfors Redux

    In an old thread you asked for another angle of this man's swing. Here it is. What do you see? It looks like the impact shaft angle is the same as the address shaft angle. I love this swing. So tight and loaded with a noticeable swing left--it's got a Trevino-ish quality to it, I think. Looks...
  10. lia41985

    August 2007 Issue of Golf Digest: Stack & Tilt Part 2

    Anyone see it? I liked the article, but there have been changes made. I thought we could talk about it.
  11. lia41985

    David Toms: Iron Swingvision @ Travelers '07

  12. lia41985

    A Model for "Never Hook Again": Hunter Mahan Driver Sequence

    I just got started working on this pattern. I would love to swing LIKE this guy.
  13. lia41985

    Are these components compatible in my swing?

    I am LOVING "The Movie". I've learned a TON. But I have a question. In my pattern, I employ a right forearm takeaway, with hitting hand action, and angle hinging through the ball, on all my shots. I'm just much more comfortable doing this than using a shoulder turn takeaway, with swinging...
  14. lia41985

    Just saw "Never Hook Again"

    I was already using this pattern. I wasn't laid off. I was on the turning shoulder plane. But why was I hitting some bad shots. I didn't execute one key part of the pattern--"hips, hands, clubhead". With this new key thought, I'm ready to take it up a notch. Thanks Brian. And thanks Jim for your...
  15. lia41985

    Another Mahan video (ignore the one plane bit...)
  16. lia41985

    Angel Cabrera Whalopping the Ball Listen to the sound:
  17. lia41985

    Confused about my swing.

    "Search for the Perfect Swing" gave me some insights, but not enough. It was clear that I wasn't rotating my shoulders deep enough on the takeaway, or bringing my left arm across my chest enough on my backstroke to get the club "on plane" like the book's model suggests. However, I drive it...
  18. lia41985

    Reviews of "Search for the Perfect Swing"

    Hi all, I just started reading "Search for the Perfect Swing". I'm just about to start the 5th chapter, and so far, I've really enjoyed the book. What did you all think of this book? How similar is "The Golfing Machine" to this book? Thanks in advance.