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  1. R

    Results of my tournament

    Hey everyone. Some of you may know by now that I was really getting geared up for a Pepsi Tour event. Guys from the Nationwide and Gateway tours are usually the same guys that play in the Pepsi Tour. This event was being held at "The Duke" down in Maricopa AZ. Well this is my first official...
  2. R

    First tournament in a long while... advice?

    Well the big day is approaching for me. It's been a while since I've entered an official "money making" tournament. My Pepsi Tour even is happening this Sunday at Longbow GC in Mesa Arizona. Weather should be fairly decent. Right now my swing feels good, been working every waking moment I...
  3. R

    Too fast

    The major problem among juniors and flexible golfers is that their body "outraces" their arms. What are your suggestions on how to resolve this?
  4. R

    Yet another video of my swing Luckily the video caught the moment where the clubhead is about one foot from hitting the ball. As most of you know I've been really working on getting my arms to "catch up" to the rest of my body. I've been doing this by ensuring...
  5. R

    This doesn't look right

    Did another video yesterday of my swing and there's always been something about my halfway to the ball position that's bothered me. I used to focus on it being my hands always much further from my body as you can see in this side by side comparison. Tiger's hands are in front of his right...
  6. R

    All over the place

    I had an absolutely TERRIBLE round. Barely broke 80. Haven't had that kind of trouble in a long long time. I made 79 with a birdie on 18. About the only good thing that came from the whole day was that when the pressure was on I came through. I was making sure to set up with axis tilt...
  7. R

    My general miss

    You've all seen my swing I'm sure. But I consistently have a miss that I actually play. It's a true fade starts at my target and fades right. Now in my swing you can see the clubface on my forward swing is generally closed which seems very odd. I have been doing a lot of work to eliminate...
  8. R

    Tiger Squat

    I said in the thread about Brady Riggs's analysis of Tiger, he says that the Tiger Squat creates more power. I wonder how that is. Is it just another case of, "Well he does it so it must be good." type of thing, or is there something to it in your opinion?
  9. R

    Advantages and disadvantages of the 3rd Accumulator

    Anyone feel like explaining why someone might want to work on the 3rd Accumulator or why it might be inadvisable?
  10. R

    Brian, this video has my driver swing

    I'm sorry for the glare in the face one look. I hope it's not too distracting The first two swings are with my 5 Iron. The second set is my normal driver swing. The third set is when I want to really rear back. MwW7jmGCAi0
  11. R

    Something that's always bothered me.

    For as long as I can remember, and one of the reasons I always feel I have an over the top move that I compensate for is that my hands are nearly a foot further from my body at impact than at setup. Now on the forward swing they are swinging along the turned shoulder plane so most people say...
  12. R

    Jim, here's what the changes look like

    Thanks for your input Jim. I implemented the axis tilt at setup. I could probably stand to tilt a hair bit more but you can see it's tilted more. aUixs-Cu-sY
  13. R

    Jim, here's what it looks like with the changes

    note: video link was removed. Links to other sites not allowed. Please use YoutUbe and embed in post. Thanks, Brian You should be able to view the mpg.. I used a universal codec. Sorry for it being so dark in the face on view. I gave a few lessons between the two views. I think the setup...
  14. R

    A very challenging question

    On my left hand I developed a curious blister. It's in a very odd place to develop a blister. It is located between my index finger and thumb about one inch away from the base of the thumb. Anyone want to take a stab at why I have devoloped this blister?
  15. R

    My swing today (video)

    I finally got the camera all set back up to work with my computer so I was able to do some recording today of my swing. I'd be very interested to hear what you all have to say and I'd be happy to asnwer any questions like, "what am I working on?" etc...
  16. R

    A lesson we could all learn from

    Granted I know this is Brians forum, but I had to share this story with everyone. I had a lesson today with someone who came to me saying he was just flat out inconsistent. Didn't know if it was going left or right from one shot to the next. He would even top it, hit worm burners, pop ups...
  17. R

    My Primary beef with TGM

    The focus of our mind is placed on the ball. Does anyone else see this as the focus? If not, what would you say is the focus? If yes, why do you think it's beneficial for this to be the focus?
  18. R

    A special assignment

    As most of you know I have a camera which I can use quite easily to make video's of just about anything. I thought it would be a good experiment for everyone here and for me and my understanding, to use it to demonstrate different things in the book. So if there is anything you would like...
  19. R

    A re-occuring problem

    I have a tendency to shut the clubface early in the forward swing. I believe it's a subconcious fear of pushing the shot right, and I have learned to swing around this slightly shut clubface through impact. Recently I tried working on a right arm sweep motion with some success, but ended up...
  20. R

    Recommendations on wedge practice..

    Not exactly a question covered in the book.. how do you all practice your wedge distances?