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  1. shortgamer

    Can I catch my buddies?

    Okay I think I'm a hitter: -i don't get to parralel -punch elbow -face stays closed(sorry I meant not as open) -I push instead of pull -upright plane Now the problem, I'm around a 4 index and all my buddies are around the same but they ALL outdrive me. I know, I know it's not about who can...
  2. shortgamer

    Best ball striker?

    Every winter for the past 4 I've read the shortgame bible front to back just to refresh and after just starting it again I was reminded of some interesting research.Dave used to follow pro's around(for a few years) and record how far of a shot they were hitting and write down how far away the...
  3. shortgamer

    Pitch vs. Punch elbow

    After not knowing what these meant I got out the little yellow book tonight and correct me if I'm wrong but the punch elbow comes down to the side of the torso and the pitch comes down in front of the torso? Now, are there any advantages or disadvantages of either besides more lag with the...
  4. shortgamer

    "Keep your head down"

    Fundamentally, is there something wrong with this thought? I've heard golfers and instuctors abroad say they wish they had a dollar for everytime they heard this crap but I guess I'm clueless as to why this is bad advice. I'm assuming this thought is to keep you down in your spine angle?
  5. shortgamer

    Aiming point vs. plane

    In playing around this year with different swings and thoughts I stumbled across something that is thought provoking. It seems that when I'm swinging on a more upright plane with short irons it helps to think about impact hands and beating the club to the ball but with a flatter plane and esp...
  6. shortgamer

    Impact hands at address?

    Does anyone do this? For some reason I can't consistently hit the sweetspot with mid body hands. When I address with impact hands I hit the ball so much better and without toe balls. I guess in my head I think okay here are your hands at impact so just get them back here. Is there anything wrong...
  7. shortgamer

    New Rick Smith article in GD

    SLICE NO MORE! 5 moves to a powerful draw....YEAAAA WHOOOO!!!!! No mention of clubface at all, just path. O wait-he did recommend a 10 finger grip with your hands a couple inches apart. Did I ever tell anybody how glad I am to find this site! Thanks for the continuing education Brian!
  8. shortgamer

    Brians Mount Everest

    Hey Brian do you think you could fix Charles Barkley? I love the guy but I swear everytime I see him swing I giggle. I can watch it 100 times in a row and on the 101st I giggle. He said it's a mental thing like a yip.
  9. shortgamer

    Ball flight laws video?

    Just wondering if you ever finished it Brian? There's a discussion on another board about it and while I believe Brian's theory they always argue that theres no proof either way. I scoured the web and can find nothing.....
  10. shortgamer


    Okay I'm a forum junkie and visit them everyday,fgi,gea, bombsquad and the tgm sites as well and there's something that bothers me. There's a guy giving instruction on damn near every site which is fine but what do you think about these ideas: 1. If you slice simply make your grip stronger...
  11. shortgamer

    Tee's on par three's?

    How high do you guys tee the ball on par three's? Does it change with the iron you're playing or the type of shot you're playing?
  12. shortgamer

    A swinging vs. hitting experience.

    I've been trying to hit the ball this summer by pushing with the right hand. For some reason it made me get steep and hit on the toe. Today I tried swinging or pulling with the left hand and magic, I'm back on the sweetspot with nice beaverpelt divots. I haven't taped my swing to confirm the...
  13. shortgamer

    Power angle pro DID help me!

    After Brian found my major swing flaw as getting real steep on the downswing I tried and tried to fix it but couldn't. So I thought I'd give rover golf a chance to help me. I went ahead and ordered all 3 of their aids. The powerangle pro showed me how to stay on plane and it's really helping...
  14. shortgamer

    Can the Power Angle Pro help me?

    After my lesson with Brian like 8 weeks ago I taped my swing and still have the same problem. The instruction was great it's me that's the problem. I'm okay getting up to the top but then on the downswing the club comes down damn near vertical. Divots can be toe heavy and impact can be one the...
  15. shortgamer

    How did Trevino know?

    I love the Trevino photo thats like Brians logo but do you suppose he knew what he was doing? I mean do you think he tried to "hit the box"? Since thats Brians term I'm sure he thought of it a different way but do you think he worked on it or was it a byproduct of something else?
  16. shortgamer

    Stance width?

    After still hitting on the toe after checking posture,plane,impact position,left arm straight at impact and so on and so on I was honestly thinking of taking a long break but then I remembered Brian said my stance was too wide. So with my 8 iron I brought my feet even with my shoulders and BAM...
  17. shortgamer

    Left arm at impact

    This may be a silly question but should the left arm be TOTALLY straight at impact. I'm still hitting the ball on the toe as stated in another thread"hitting on the toe" and in the living room this morning I noticed my left arm has just a wie bit of bend in it(at impact position). Maybe 5...
  18. shortgamer

    Everything on the toe?

    I've added 10 strokes to my handicap in ten days and can't figure out why. Everthing is off the toe. I even tried a bandaid of standing closer and still did it. When I say toe I mean the part of the iron with no grooves.Ball flight is straight just weak.Is there a usual suspect?
  19. shortgamer


    Leadbetter was on the golf channel today following her round and talking about her and in turn getting some T.V. time. My question is do you think he has the balls to charge her for lessons or do teachers do the top pro's for free to get the name under their umbrella? It seems to me that she's...
  20. shortgamer

    Anyone watch the breaking series on Golf Channel?

    The cowboy guy is trying to break 90 and with the instuctor he has I'm not sure he can do it. The instuctors are from golf galaxy so I don't know how good they are but the one was teaching the cowboy to flip. He said the club should lead the hands to the ball. Then he got out a mat with a...