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  1. Bill Miracle

    Plane shift/bending vs. OTT....

    Are these the same thing? Can they be different? If different, I would assume one or both are causing my, how would I work on curing both???? Thanks!
  2. Bill Miracle

    Curing Pulls......

    Trying to eliminate pulls. What factors cause pulls? This is what I know... 1. Lack of axis tilt 2. bending the plane line 3. Clubface problem what else???
  3. Bill Miracle


    Do a video on the driver. I'm really getting good results with irons...even the 3 iron. Quit using the hybrid as a result. But man, I am freakin', freakin' over inconsistencies with the driver. I try the same swing as with the irons and I'm lost. Results are all over the place. It seems...
  4. Bill Miracle

    Driver ball flight...

    Have not been slicing for quite awhile but... Tonight, I fell into a spurt of balls off the tee going long and straight...then, at the end, taking a hard turn right. It was very surprising to think the ball was going to be perfect and take such a hard and drastic turn at the end. What would...
  5. Bill Miracle

    Epiphany??? (clubface control/pp3)

    Wow! Had a surreal experience yesterday. I've really been struggling with my 3 wood lately. I am not slicing anything but the 3 wood. And, it has been so bad that I have been over compensating, which is producing all kinds of unplayable shots....spraying all over the place...hard slices...
  6. Bill Miracle

    Why o' why? (swing breakdow)

    Over the last few weeks, I've been hitting the best irons of my life...from long to short. What really got me going was "confessions" and working hard on the pivot along with the right elbow fold (properly) on the b/s. In fact, one day at the range, I had about 5 different people come to me...
  7. Bill Miracle

    Overcooking axis-tilt vs. roundhousing....

    Again, for the second week, I am playing with a couple of golfers that are scratch to plus 2. Both are telling me that I do sooo much well but that I drop my right shoulder down waaaay toooo much on the down swing. I've discussed this here with Jim and it's been said that it is a problem...
  8. Bill Miracle

    Pulling - Lack of axis tilt?

    I've been really struggling with hard pulls lately, especially with the driver and short irons. Yesterday, I kept tracing my path with the driver and couldn't get a good arc in the swing. In forcing a good path, I made my right shoulder drop more and, eureka, I could see the proper arc at...
  9. Bill Miracle

    Grip / callous / blister issue...

    Been playing a lot of golf lately. On my right hand, ring finger, the joint below the top of the finger on the right side...has developed a huge callous. It seems this area is what presses up against the left index finger and some friction there is causing this to happen.Lately, this thing...
  10. Bill Miracle

    Help reading greens...

    My pace is really good but I end up missing a lot of putts by 1-4 inches (4 being longer putts)right or left of the hole. It mostly comes in reading the greens and judging the break. I hit my lines fairly well...just have the wrong line. Any suggestions on reading greens would be appreciated.
  11. Bill Miracle

    UGH...can't find the thread....

    the recent thread where there was discussion as to what causes ball direction and curvature during flight. It was the one where Brian used the red and green line with the letters and asked what the face had to point to and the path had to point get the ball do a certain thing. I can't...
  12. Bill Miracle

    Clubface control...a primer

    In a couple of threads, clubface control has been discussed. Ideally, clubface control should happen naturally, however, there's a lot of comments that leads one to believe it is a conscious action. I'd love for this thread to be a primer as to how to develop clubface control, since for me, it...
  13. Bill Miracle

    Driver and Fairway wood woes....

    I've spent so much time trying to get a consistent iron swing down that I've completely lost my driver and fairway woods. This is killing my rounds. I have learned to hit all my irons (4-LW) pretty well. driver - no slices. Hitting long, hard pulls...or balls too high with an occasional...
  14. Bill Miracle

    OFF TOPIC...Is Saban really this big of a creep?

    Finebaum's show was previously heard in Tuscaloosa on WTBC 1230AM, where it will still be aired. Officials with WTBC did not return a phone call Friday. "I'm sure the SEC hasn't changed much over the past two seasons. I mean Mississippi State is still funding scholarships by collecting pop...
  15. Bill Miracle

    Cause and prevention of pulled shots

    What are the real causes?
  16. Bill Miracle

    Indian / advice...

    I've been playing Cally Fusions (non-wide sole) with Rifle 5.5 TF shafts for about a year now. For a short time, I got hold of a set of MacGregor M565 with Rifle Lite TF 5.5 tf shafts. I liked the forged feel of the Macs but...after putting the shafts on a frequency meter, they were stiffer...
  17. Bill Miracle

    Backswing shoulder turn....

    should it be level for all clubs or just longer clubs??
  18. Bill Miracle

    PP3 - lots a stuff running starting to appear in this coconut!

    Man, describing feels is a weird thing! I feel half goofy trying to explain them goes another one! In trying to enhance my instruction from this site, I bought this cheap lil device on ebay called "Greg Norman's, the Secret". This device causes you to bend your RW and keep it...
  19. Bill Miracle

    Wrist cock...

    I think I am starting to understand that there should be no conscious effort to cock the left wrist up. Am I correct in observing that I should bend the right wrist back to straighten out the left wrist but....the folding of the right arm will cock the left wrist? And , there is very little...
  20. Bill Miracle

    By George, I think he's got it!!!

    The threads about the shoulders being open at impact got me looking at my videos. At impact on irons, I was square, like at address. I couldn't figure out how to get my shoulder down plane, even though I watched the hell outa BMS #4. What I did notice is my driver swing videos showed I had...