Search results

  1. curtisj76

    David Duval

    Anyone else rooting for him? Would make a great story. Has anyone else had such a drop in performance?? He went from #1 to like #800 (or something) in the world. Crazy journey.
  2. curtisj76

    Block vs Push

    Is there a difference? If so, could you educate me. Muchas thanks
  3. curtisj76

    Golf for Dummies

    Has anyone seen this? My buddy has it and said I could borrow it. Not sure if there was anything good to see.
  4. curtisj76

    Freddie's Fade

    I think it has been discussed but I can't find anything. So, How was Freddie able to hit a fade with that very strong grip? Thanks
  5. curtisj76

    Getting better via long distance

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for insight from those that take lessons long distance. I'm going to get lessons this year and I'm trying to figure out what to do. I've been on this site for several years and have followed Brian's teachings. Being frustrated with my "great playing 1 day/bad...
  6. curtisj76

    Look out Duke boys, The Sheriff is in town!

    OK, how about some updates folks? How are you doing with the Sheriff? Pros/Cons? I need to improve my putting and am debating gett'n me one of them Sheriff's and round'n up a posse to fix it. Anyone fix'n to get one? "Breaker One, Breaker One, I might be crazy, but I ain't dumb! Craaazy...
  7. curtisj76

    Eliminating Putter Wobble

    What's a good way to eliminate wobble on the backstroke? Sometimes on little putts my putter will wobble on the way back.
  8. curtisj76

    Fat flop shots

    I've been using my lob wedge more than usual since the greens are like trampolines, but I'm hit and miss, no pun intended. I either hit it nice or fat. I'm not trying a front edge divot but more of a mid sole divot that has been discussed here. Open club, open stance, ball slightly forward of...
  9. curtisj76

    The Push Fade Parade

    Any ideas? I'm using NHA and I LOVE it. However, I still manage a few push fades. Do you think it would be a clubface or path problem? THanks
  10. curtisj76

    Putting Arc

    Anyone have one? Any success stories or thoughts on it, good or bad? Thanks
  11. curtisj76

    Holy "Phil"!

    He is lights out today. Just waiting for a bad drive...
  12. curtisj76

    NHA in the wind

    I'm currently playing NHA right now with continued success. However, with a pretty high ball flight, how can I alter the trajectory due to wind while still using the pattern. I'm sure the D-plane holds the answer but I have yet to figure that G-darn thing out. Thanks On a side note, I'm...
  13. curtisj76

    Masters: Root'n for who?

    My boy Zach Johnson basically took himself out of it today so I'm going for one of my other favorites Kenny Perry. Would also like to see Tiger make a run at it.
  14. curtisj76

    Firm sand

    How do you guys play a sand shot when the sand is firm? My weapons of choice: 52 GW low bounce 56 SW reg bounce 60 LW reg bounce
  15. curtisj76

    NHA = GIR's

    Holy cow, I'm starting to LOVE this swing. This is my 2nd time out this year and only the 2nd time I've EVER golfed with NHA. I'm hitting more fairways and GIR's than I was at my peak last year. I'm giving up some distance but my control is so much greater. I think my swing had too many...
  16. curtisj76

    Left knee movement towards target:

    2 things I noticed initially with Tom's massive drive. The movement of the left knee and also how he "sprung up" on the ball. Very intrigued about the left knee. Many years ago I read a tip regarding many long hitters initiating their downswing with their left knee moving towards the target...
  17. curtisj76


    As I was watching golf over the weekend, it seemed like a lot of the pro's made small swings back and forth that looked very "connected". Was I dreaming or has anyone else noticed this?
  18. curtisj76

    Clubface control

    I see it mentioned a lot, "You need to learn clubface control"! Well, how do you learn clubface control?
  19. curtisj76

    Drag the Handle, Part 2: NHA Style

    So it seems I drag the handle a lot when I use NHA. For some reason I have a "hunch" that it's not such a bad thing with NHA as it would be with SD. Am I even close to being right? If so, how can I work on not lagging the hosel/shanking/etc. with NHA? Muchas gracias! Curtis
  20. curtisj76

    First day of the season!!

    Played almost 27 holes today. I'm actually happy with how I played since it was the first day in a LONG time. My short story: I started out thinking I'm gonna give SD another try since I hooked it like crazy last summer and I finally figured out how to not swing so far right. My first drive...