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  1. ggsjpc


    How much strength and where does it take to swing a golf club well? I see so many women and juniors appear to struggle with the weight of the club. Is there a minimum strength required to make this series of movements and where does this requirment reside? Arms? Hands/wrists? Torso?
  2. ggsjpc

    Square Clubface at the top?

    If I see or read one more person talk about a square clubface at the top, I think I might lose it. How is it that this arbitrary position got labled as square and not 90 degrees open? Why would 90 degrees open be the most sought after position? Is there something special about it and how it...
  3. ggsjpc

    True or False? about shaft lean

    With an iron, does a person have to get closer to the ball vertically the more shaft lean they have?
  4. ggsjpc

    Circle or Ellipse

    Golf Machine question. Is a golf swing closer to a circle(a shape consisting of those points in a plane which are the same distance from a given point called the center) or an ellipse(A closed curve, the locus of a point such that the sum of the distances from that point to two other fixed...
  5. ggsjpc

    Trackman Iron Pickups

    Trackman Iron Pickups? To all you Trackman owners: I just had a demo with the Trackman today. My desire to purchase one is mainly for teaching. I agree with everyone here about how important the numbers of angle of attack and so on... What surprised me the most was how infrequently the...
  6. ggsjpc

    Give credit where credit is due

    I just wanted to thank Brian and all the members here. I just completed my first talk for a PGA section on the topic of D-plane, true path and ball flight. Couldn't have done as well without everyone's help. Thank You Brian
  7. ggsjpc

    Trackman Research Needed

    Kevin or Chris or anyone that has a trackman: Does lie angle effect true path? Would a club with an inappropriate very upright lie angle show less downward angle because less club is reaching the ground?
  8. ggsjpc

    How long to become an "A+" teacher?

    Brian and academy instructors, How long do you think it takes to reach the "A+" level in Brian's teaching grade scale and how do you go about trying to reach that level? Do you recommend learning the different methods from the method teachers while working with you? After 27 years of...
  9. ggsjpc

    Is there a "best' type of loading?

    Is there a "best' type of loading?(video added) I've been a float loader my whole life and can't imagine the swing feeling differently. Float loading seems so simple, loose and free. Is there a better way to load the club and what type of loading would you teach beginners and juniors?
  10. ggsjpc

    Polo Golf Shirt---Changed the way we play golf

    I have an interesting theory. Swings back in the days had large rotary turns of the hips and torso. Very little lift. Is it possible that the face of golf swings changed with the introduction of the polo golf shirt? It allowed the golfer to actually raise his arms because it had short...
  11. ggsjpc

    Face or path

    if you only had these two to choose from, which is more important to controlling the ball? i think face.
  12. ggsjpc

    Kevin Shields---Where is the closest Trackman to Pittsburgh, PA?

    Kevin, I was just wondering if you could tell me where the closest trackman to Pittsburgh is? I know there is one in Toronto but not of any others.
  13. ggsjpc

    Left shoulder rotation

    If I am remembering my physics and lever readings. Is it more powerful for the left shoulder to travel in a line from it's right most point in the backswing or is it more powerful for it to rotate from the same point? Assume all other factors remain the same. I ask because I believe I see...
  14. ggsjpc

    How can it not matter?

    In the last couple days, I've heard a few people in this forum say that fitness doesn't matter in the golf swing. How can anyone justify that belief? The club doesn't move by itself.
  15. ggsjpc

    loft and initial direction

    I have been unable to find a thread with the information I'm asking so if one exists just let me know and then delete this after a couple days. My question is when there is an error in the clubface shape, do more lofted clubs show that error more than lower lofter clubs when it comes to...