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  1. B

    School Information....

    Three G.O.L.F. Guys and You GOLF SCHOOL Friday, August 26th, Saturday, August 27th, & Sunday, August 28th 2005 Woodmont Country Club, in Canton, Georgia (just outside of Atlanta) Featuring - Three World-Class Instructors: Ben Doyle, PGA, G.S.E.D. of Monterey, California • The First...
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    Three G.O.L.F Guys Golf School Announcement!

    Three G.O.L.F. Guys and You GOLF SCHOOL Friday, August 26th, Saturday, August 27th, & Sunday, August 28th 2005 Woodmont Country Club, in Canton, Georgia (just outside of Atlanta) Featuring - Three World-Class Instructors: Ben Doyle, PGA, G.S.E.D. of Monterey, California • The First...
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    August 15th is deadline for school sign ups

    We are 75% full as of today and we (Lynn and myself) have talked to several other interested potential attendees. We are getting everything ready to go for the big opening day and would like to have 10+ days to get it done. Thanks, BM
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    New Podcast up.

    either at or iTunes>podcast
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    JackSTLOC...Hit it as straight as you can point!

    Mike Finney (MikeSTLOC) is well known in these—and other—parts, for his dynamic, silky smooth-swing. His 22 month-old son, Jackson, is well on his way to emulating and surpassing his pop. Plenty good stuff if you watch frame-by-frame—which makes you wonder.... Is everyone just making this...
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    Manzella Golf Show, (Podcadt #5) now up!

    Here is the web address where you can hear it: Here is the RSS feed (for those who know what to do with it): Thanks in advance for listening!
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    Golf Digest Ranking of Top Golf Cities

    Louisville 170 New Orleans 275 You know how FUNNY that is to me...? I may be ranked ahead of my cities:D
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    Golf Digest Top Teachers List...just released

    Brian Manzella #3 in Kentucky Ben Doyle dropped but still in top 50 Rob Noel, previously reported as the #1 teacher in Louisiana is actually #2 behind Chuck Winsted Oh well.... One of these days.......................................................
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    Podcast #4 - Wie's detractors, ground game, (more)

    I comment on Michelle Wie and why her detractors are wrong, why the ball is supposed to roll and it will at St. Andrews, what to expect from golf lessons, equipment for golfers with slow swing speeds and what ABC-TV can do to keep from ruining The Open (for me).;)
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    Brian Manzella Show (podcast) #3, now up!

    Thanks to all of you who listen!
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    Golf School Information and Payment

    If you would like to reserve your spot in the Doyle, Blake and Manzella Golf School, you can do so by clicking on the link just below. This link will be a payment of $750 which will be your deposit. If you pay using this $750 link for your deposit, and you wish to pay the balance, you can use...
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    The Brian Manzella Show (podcast)

    Here is the link for my new "podcast" radio-type show. For those of you who haven't heard, podcasting is the new big thing and I am, of course, on the cutting edge. I will try to do as many as I can, with every day being a goal. Here is the web address where you can hear it...
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    The Best Golf School of All Time [with Audio]

    The Event: The Best Taught Golf School of All-Time! Given by: Brian Manzella, PGA, GSED; Ben Doyle, PGA, GSED; and Lynn Blake, GSED At: Woodmont Country Club, in Canton, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta When: August 26-28, 2005 Friday, Saturday and Sunday Price: $1,495 not including...
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    Manzella Returns!

    First sit at the ole computer since the surgery. Still very dizzy[B)] I will try to post some Saturday evening after I venture out for some teaching (the show must go on!) Thanks everyone for the kind words...they mean a lot. My right leg is healing and god-willing (according to the doc)...
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    Ben Doyle Video to be hosted on Manzella Forum!

    Talked to Ben Monday night. He is fine, and is sending me a 6 hour tape of his lessons that I will make a nice long, detailed series of clips from. They will be hosted on the same service that my latest shorts or on and will be a real treat. I will "Host" the clips and try to explain what you...
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    Manzella on 50,000 watt Radio Station Friday!

    As some of you know, I am sort of the resident "Golf Expert" on WHAS Radio - 840am in Louisville, Kentucky. I am on every few weeks and will be on tomorrow (Friday). Previously, you could not hear the 50,000 watt mega-station on-line. NOW, you can : I'll be...
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    FLAT x 14.....Manzella Rides Again!!!

    So, it seems that there are still many in the golf world that LOVE bent Left Wrists at the top of the backswing. Phooey!
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    The Biggest Event in Golf Instruction History!!!!!

    I (Brian Manzella) will be one of three speakers Monday at the Kentucky PGA Teaching Summit. It will be the time and the place that I and all the rest of the TGMers take over golf. :):D[8D];);) (Not Really, but I'll sure try). ;)
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    ...back when a ho was a hoe, coke was a coke...

    Seems like yesterday....
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    Hardy puts foot in mouth....

    "...Whether this is the exact top of his backswing or not is arguable since Hogan started his hips moving to the left before he completed his backswing. The point is that you will not find one photo of Hogan where his left arm ever swung higher than his shoulder plane." What???? Next.[|)]