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  1. B

    The Maximum Participation Stroke Pattern

    I played golf this week with a long-time student of mine, who is in college now and I haven't seen in a while. He uses the Ben Doyle preferred "4-Barrel MPSP." He uses a single forward ball position. He hits it so much better than some of the so called "ideal" 3-barrel, single plane, pure...
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    Your Opinion on this statement.....

    Chuck Evans said: "The ultimate goal has always been to get the correct information into the golfing worlds hands and then it is up to them to decide whether to use it or not. As for Elkington, according to a golf tournament announcer a couple of months ago, he has quit fact there is a...
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    line of compression?

    Yoda says: The Clubhead moves through the Ball on one 'Line of Contact' or another. At the same time, the Clubface is Closing -- or alternatively Laying Back or simultaneously doing both -- through the Ball. The accomplished golfer feels this...indeed, knows this. If he wants to Fade, he...
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    Interest level for Manzella/Doyle school...

    As many of you know, I sprent 5 days with my mentor, Ben Doyle, last week. I am ready to do a three day school with Ben if enough of you are inetersted. Three days and two evenings of Practical application of The Golfing Machine taught by Ben & I, PLUS first hand accounts by Ben about Homer...
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    Manzella/TGM vs. Horton (once & for all)...

    Sir, you and your pal have tried your darnest to take over this site. To be brutally honest, you haven't made one good point. have one more chance. Here it is: ONE point at a time. No rambling. Has to make sense to anyone with half a brain. You first. You ridicule Homer's work...
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    Step 3

    From the post about TGM on Talk about golf: Take each page of Chapetr 2 and fact check edit and monderize it.
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    Horton's plan

    I would publish two versions of TGM: Theoretical TGM (Homer's 1982 Edition) Practical TGM (Edited by AIs) The original edition of TGM is outright silly and only attracts and fascinates the neurotic extreme of the golfing world, who think that complicated must be truth. The AIs ignore the...
  8. B

    Bob Bush says...

    70% of power comes from the right shoulder... Shafts load when the left atm is parallel to the grounf and the shaft is vertical on the downswing Bottom of swing with a driver in FRONT of the ball hmmm.........
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    REAL Plane Angles, By Brian Manzella

    I will explain these later today. Your welcome, Mr. Hardy.
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    De-Lagging Mr. Howell and Brittney....

    At dinner at the Outback at the SUMMIT, we were joking about ole LEAD de-lagging Charles Howell. At the table was Ben Doyle, GSED; Da Stallion, GSED; Mark Diamond, GSED; Tom Ness, top 100 teacher; Scott Davenport, top 100 teacher; Steve Khatib, GSEM and one or two more top teachers. The Manz...
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    The First String is in the game!

    Horton and Mandrin.... Welcome to MY site. Let me get a couple of things straight from the get go, ok? This IS NOT THE Golfing Machine site or even A Golfing Machine site. This is MY site. My name is Brian Manzella. I have studied the golfing swing for more hours in the last 20 years than...
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    LIVE! From The PGA Teaching and Coaching Summit...

    ...Brian MAN-ZEL-LAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......... Hi guys and guys... Sorry I haven't been able to post, but I have a connecting now at me and Ben's villa.... Ben answered ALL of your questions and I'll post them soon... Today was Stan Utley and David Leadbetter. Stan talked to Ben after and...
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    Power Accumulators - Plain english only!!

    Homer said: Power Accumulation is the process of LOADING Power Accumulators during their Out-of-Line Configuration. Brian's translation: Power Accumulator- an out-of-line condition that produces power when it is being released to in-line. There are four relevant ones in a golf stroke. Power...
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    Ask Ben Doyle (with answers)!

    On this and other "Golfing Machine themed" forums, my long-time teacher and mentor Ben Doyle is offen discussed. People (who weren't there) tell stories about thing that happened in Ben's presence or peopel who have spent a comparatively short time with Ben (or none at all) discuss his teaching...
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    Think about THIS! ....

    I can throw an NFL football over 40 yards right-handed, and maybe 10 left-handed. I can hit a 7-iron 160 yards hitting or swinging with two hands on the club, 80 yards left-hand only, but only 40 right-hand only HITTING and 30 righthand only SWINGING (which DOES hurt the elbow just like Homer...
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    The DARK ages?

    From 6B1D on Chuck Evans site
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    2004 PGA Teaching and Coaching Summit

    I will be attending the 9th semi-annual PGA teaching and Coaching Summit on Port St. Lucie, Florida from December 8th through the 12th. I will be rooming with and accompanying my long-time mentor Ben Doyle. We are among the VERY few teachers that have attended every Summit. Are any of the...
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    short-VIDEO REQUESTS *moved temp.*

    OK. Since there has been talk about all the mini-videoo explanations, I will post 5 small ones to the leading 5 requests. [8D]
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    I am VERY thankful... For my luck in life to have had two All-World parents, great friends, a wife that is the best thing that ever happend to me, a great pair of eyes, athletic ability I STILL haven't figured out what to do with.... ...and ALL of you out there who visit this site. To you...