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  1. B

    Manzella's Favorite Quotes!

    To Gary Wiren at a the second PGA Teaching and Coaching Summit: "Is The Golfing Machine the truth"? —Ben Doyle, PGA, G.S.E.D., The First Authorized Instructor of The Golfing Machine "If you are not the best putter in your STATE, don't try to play tournament golf for a living." —Don...
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    The Right Forearm Pickup....non-technical

    At address, with your right forearm on plane with the clubshaft and your left wrist nearly uncocked...use your RIGHT FOREARM---the whole right forearm----THE ONE THAT IS IN PLANE with the LIFT---& i mean L I F T, the hands/arms/and club unit to the TOP of a TURNED SHOULDER PLANE...
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    More FIXES from your faults from Brian M.!

    OK...the other thread was a good idea, but, like most things, could be even better. Here is the way it will work: Post your fault and I'll post the fix inside of the original post in BLUE. This will be MUCH easier to follow. So I locked the other thread for now. For those who did not get...
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    Hello to all... Sorry I have been so buzy this year (and week) but my season is winding down and this is great news as all of my projects should have the time they need. On that front, the HOGAN PRINTS are at the printer and will be ready soon. Also: Do It Right! 1.0 will cover hitting and...
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    Give me the fault and I'll tell you why and what..

    Here are the rules.... One sentence fault, ie: Reverse Pivot ...and I'll give tou a quick short reason the majority of golfers do it and a quicky on what to do to eliminate it!
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    I always tell my students: "Your intent is more important than your execution." But what intent? What is the golfers intent on a normal shot?
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    Brian Manzella at The Ryder Cup....

    Just arrived in Detroit (9pm)... ...Going to the morning matches tommorrow and all day Sunday... ...sorry I have been scarce, as I have spent the week doing the Hurricane dance... ...will report from Detroit tommorrow night:D
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    ...a Hacker/slicer comes for a lesson...

    ...he has a weak left hand grip/ poor right hand grip/ leans left at address/ right hip much higher than the left/ shoulders WAY open right forearm very high/ very,very cupped left wrist at the top/ way above plane/ total leakage/ vertical hinge action/ reverse pivot... ..what do you do first?
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    Brian's HACKER TOP TEN

    20 YEARS of FULL-TIME TEACHING 25,000 hours on the range Brian Manzella's Hacker Top Ten 1. Bent left wrist at the top 2. Poor left hand grip 3. Intent to hit the ball AT the target 4. Chicken-wing reverse swivel 5. Reverse Pivot 6. Circle delivery path 7. Off-Plane right shoulder on the...
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    What 'controls' the clubface

    This is a very valid subject for discussion and debate and was brought up on another is some of that and my quick comments: Brian Manzella response: You can control the clubface with the hands, and plently golfers need to LEARN to. There are other ways to do it, of course...
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    Length of backswing?

    How do ya'll feel about how LONG a backswing should be? The longer the better??
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    Brian Manzella vs. a NON-debater

    The following debate is between your host, Brian Manzella:D and David Alford. No other posters please! The first point up for debate is the "level" shoulder turn... David Alford's 50 words or
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    The Challenge

    Hi David. I wasn't in last week as you had a nice little debate going with holenone and matt, etc. These guys are very knowledgeable, in the case of holenone, as knowledgeable as any on the subject of The Golfing Machine. However...this is NOT a "Golfing Machine Only" web site. This is MY web...
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    Manzella mention on National Magazine Site
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    Haney looks fairly awkward in frames 4, 5, and 6..

    Post by Mikestloc: actually he makes a 36 handicapper look relaxed..... the only reason i'm busting him is that about 3 years ago Haney told 20 other golf professionals that I (mikestloc) would be the kind of player who could qualify for the US Open and then shoot a pair of 85s in the...
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    Homer and science

    Delaware Golf wrote: You know, it's a shame that Homer didn't site his references in the back of the Golfing Machine...where did Homer obtain his Mathematical/Physics/Engineering information (like "the law of the flail"), and how about golfing book references or how about AIs that made...
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    Golfing Machine Terms Defined by Youknowwho!

    Aiming Point: 1.The spot on the ground you are trying to direct your right forefinger at. 2. The place in the air you want your right forefinger to be at impact. BM: Where your hands would hit the ground if the 'flew off' on the downswing. Axis Tilt: 1.The golfer leaning to the right on the...
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    Brian Manzella and Mikestloc have teamed with the biomechanics department of a major university in their quest to show how-to and how NOT-to look at 2-D golf strokes in respect to plane, both of the club and the golfer. The premise: There are a number of teaching professionals in the world who...
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    Teaching and Learning golf with TheGolfing Machine

    Looking for feedback on doing a one of a kind, once-in-a-lifetime school for TEACHERS and PLAYERS on the Practical Application of TEACHING and LEARNING golf with the principles of The Golfing Machine. :)
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    Guess who's coming to dinner?

    "Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or villify them...about the only...