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  1. D

    won't stop flipping!

    allright guys...very frustrating... it seems i hit the ball "better" with a flip. i need to find a way to take away the "reward" of flipping. i played 36 holes in the last two days without a single divot. i know what i am trying to do, and i know i am not supposed to flip the club, but i won't...
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    airplane landing

    hey guys, just a quick question: are most shots played with a delivery similar to an airplane landing (as opposed to one crashing) like brian refers to in his you tube video on the driver? the reason i ask is because i was watching over and out the other day (great video for those of you who...
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    trigger and release point

    could any one expand/point to a thread where these are discussed? from my understanding, the trigger starts the downswing, and the release point is where you begin to release your accumulators... what would be some examples of triggers? what is release point? is it defined in terms of where the...
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    Low Point Control

    i have played golf for about 15 years. i have been a low single digit (between 2 - 6) for the last four years. my greatest weakness has always been my ball striking, especially under pressure, so last year i decided i really needed to go after learning and mastering the 3 imperatives. recently...
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    i don't get it... what is clubface control? is it the ability to hit straight shots with different grips, knowing where the face is and what you have to do to deliver it to the ball correctly? is it having the same grip and mastering one hinge action, or all hinge actions? is it all of the...
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    single vs dual action grip

    anyone care to comment/explain why the dual action grip is the preferred/more popular/more taught grip? thanks danny c
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    "tip" in golf magazine...

    in this month's golf mag, the fella who wrote the "how to copy tiger" article at one point said, in summary, if the club is in line with (an extension of) your left arm in the backswing, it is on plane. valid at all? what patterns, if any, would this be compatible with? danny c
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    How do you eliminate leakage?

    brian, gotta couple of questions: in some recent threads you say that one way to eliminate a flip is to swing in a way that the ball goes left if you have any leakage. if i hit leakage hooks, would working on a straight line delivery path from a twistaway be one way to do this? if so, do you...
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    running out of right arm

    brian and others... what are some of the most common reasons a person would "run out of right arm"? is it impossible to take a proper divot if both arms are straight at impact? thanks
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    impact fix

    hey everyone... i was wondering if anyone knew or cared to discuss the concept of impact fix...specifically, what are the pros/cons of gripping the club at fix, and what are the pros/cons of starting the swing from fix. the reason i ask is because my hands seem better oriented at impact when...
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    right foot down and "width"

    hey guys... in cff, brian says to learn to hit punch shots with the right foot DOWN...but i don't remember an explanation as to why this is important. also, just curious to get some input on a component i hear in pop instruction a lot...what they call "width." many pop instructors like a wide...
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    former flipper

    brian and crew: in confessions of a former flipper, it seems that the beginning of the video is based more on working the pivot and keeping the left wrist flat, while the second half or so deals more with delivery path. is it wise, when practicing, to work on these seperately at the beginning...
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    going to order confessions of a former flipper... what is the difference b/t web version and dvd?
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    sweetspot rotation

    I have been digging through the archives lately, and have come across the phrase "Club shaft rotation must be around the sweet spot - not vice versa" several times. what exactly, in layman's terms, does that mean?
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    Hello All

    I joined this site a couple of months ago, after randomly finding one of Brian's videos on youtube. since then, i have visited this site almost every day. This is, however, my first post. I am posting to see if anyone can help me learn get to impact with the clubface open. I play to a 1 - 2...