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  1. R

    Compatibility of Patterns

    Is there any component in the patterns that Brian teaches that would be considered incompatible with other patterns? I find that it seems very easy to take components of soft draw and mix them with never hook again for example. Twistaway from NSA2 is a great antidote in many of the patterns for...
  2. R

    NHA 2.0 and "popout"

    NHA 2.0 is great, I really liked the original, this one is vastly improved, which is hard to do. I fight an underplane swing and am severely in to out on the downswing. When trying to swing up the wall and down the wall per the video, how do you prevent popout? My left arm flying wedge tends to...
  3. R

    Swinging across left leg

    If we try to swing across the left leg as opposed to away from it, how much farther forward does the swing bottom move? When my swing goes too much inside out, the swing obviously bottoms out farther behind the ball. Swing plane and ball position are responsible for taking a divot according to...
  4. R

    nha pattern and lifting the arms

    I fight a flat backswing and have read Brian's posts and watched NHA, in which he advocates lifting the arms to prevent underplane. When do you feel this lift? Takeaway ?, halfway back? Can you lift too soon? If you lag the takeaway, when do you lift?
  5. R

    Ochoa swing thoughts

    I am fifty pounds bigger than Ms. Ochoa, taller and I think I could take her in an arm wrestling contest, although it might be close. Why does she pound it by me distance wise? Her swing is amazing. She shows both armpits on the backswing and crosses the line slightly at the top. She also swings...