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  1. B

    What Gets to the "top" first?

    I would say there are 2 schools of thought here. 1. Clubhead moves first and all the rest of the body reacts to the "pull" of the club. The club / hands arrive at the "top' / end" at the same time the body finishes the pivot. 2. Pivot powered backswing - the club is slung into motion by the...
  2. B

    Clubface "Closing Rate"

    Looking for comments (pro & con) on my 'theory' of Clubface Closing Rate. My goal (valid or not) is to reach a point in the downswing where the clubshaft is parallel to the plane line, parallel to the ground, and clubface is vertical (toe up - this would be slightly "closed" to the plane as it...
  3. B

    David Howell

    There is a great picture of David Howell on the USGA Open web site this morning - not sure how long it will be up. Clubhead is at knee height in the follow thru (both arms at full extension) and shaft is not yet quite in line with left arm. Also interesting to note that the back of the left...