Search results

  1. mrodock

    Nat, Brian, Jim, other instructors

    Have you seen the article in Golf Digest in 1998 that Johnny Miller wrote. I think it was entitled One Magic Move. Anyway, he focused on getting the right elbow just above the hip in the downswing and then pointing the palm of the right hand at the ground in the downswing to achieve a BRW, FLW...
  2. mrodock

    Academy Live 1:30pm Eastern, Martin Hall

    Great episode of Academy Live today on the golf channel. It is currently scheduled to air at 1:30pm central time, but check your local listings, the golf channel likes to change things up. Matt Rodock
  3. mrodock

    Mike Finney swing analysis request

    Brian, The top 20 swings of the steel shaft era is obviously a tremendous project both in its value and the time it will take. I think it would be highly profitable to the forum members to hear an analysis of Mike Finney's swing. You offered tremendous insight into why MA's swing is so...
  4. mrodock

    Who asked if you can flatten left wrist in transition?

    About 3 days ago I thought someone asked if you could go from a cupped left wrist at the top to a flat or arched left wrist in the transition. I have been unable to find this post. If someone could help me out I would really appreciate it! Thanks, Matt Rodock
  5. mrodock

    Phil pulling his unique Jean Van de Velde

    FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. mrodock

    I stink...Twistaway and Over the Top

    I was excited to get out to the range a couple of days ago after reading Brian's posts on the importance of the clubface in maintaining a flat left wrist and coming down on plane. So I get out to the range and start working on twistaway, and I videotaped a couple shots with 7 irons. Everything...
  7. mrodock

    Holy $hit I Can Float Load!!

    I just got done watching Brian's 'Do it Right' video, which is the best golf instruction video I have ever seen, and I can finally float load. I can hardly believe it. Brian, your concepts for employing this move were so crystal clear and simple! There were plenty of other extremely useful...
  8. mrodock

    Lack of Left Wrist Flexibility

    When I grip the club in just my left hand with a neutral grip, I can only cock the club about 60 degrees while maintaining a flat left wrist. On the other hand, if I double-cock I can get about 125 degrees. With my current double-cock I have been unable to obtain a flat left wrist at impact...
  9. mrodock

    The Necessity of a TGM Magazine

    I swear this month's Golf Digest is one of the worst in quite awhile. The "top 7" instructors each wrote a tip and either it was bad advice, or a tip that has been recycled so much it isn't worth writing about. These people know that the articles they write give us an idea of their knowledge...
  10. mrodock

    #12 - Maximum Trigger Delay

    Brian, I read back in mid 2004 where you talked about being able to help students put maximum trigger delay into their swing. You had mentioned wanting to write an article about it, while I am not sure if an article was written on this, a video would be excellent! Thanks, Matt
  11. mrodock

    The Best Post on The Manzella Forum Contest!

    I think it would be outstanding if a bunch of people paste the posts they found to be the most illuminating and original. Reading through this entire site would be quite a project, so this might be a very useful way for people to get a tremendous amount out of an hour of reading. Perhaps this...
  12. mrodock

    Drag Loading

    A video on drag loading would be very helpful. The description in the book seems quite complicated to me. Matt
  13. mrodock

    Sam Snead, do I see throwaway!?
  14. mrodock

    Mr. Finney's action

    Brian, There has been a lot of interest in the man's swing you dubbed the best you've ever seen. It would be absolutely outstanding if you could share some of the most important concepts you and Michael worked on together. And how you approached them. Thanks for your consideration, Matt
  15. mrodock

    An idea for those who fight an inside takeaway. .

    Just before you start the club back with your torso turn, push the butt end of the grip down an inch or two with a decent amount of pressure from your left hand. This assists the wrist cock and helps prevent a rolling of the hands on the way back. Just started to experiment with it and it...
  16. mrodock

    Is the Tac-Tic a piece of crap?

    I just got the Tac-Tic, and I need to bend a wrist a fair amount before it will even make a sound. I have tried numerous manipulations, and still find it to be quite unacceptable. What are other peoples experiences with this training aid? Thanks! Matt
  17. mrodock

    Inside Takeaway

    I have a difficult time getting the club on the proper plane at the beginning of the swing. I have fanned the club open for years. I have been able to make it a lot better, but still get the club going inside with a very late wrist cock. Are there any grip adjustments, swing thoughts...
  18. mrodock

    Brian Manzella MIT Conference Review & Commentary

    Say Brian, how did the second day of the forum go? Matt